The booking agent has primary responsibility for most interactions with UDDERS. He or she must book new passengers, edit or delete passenger bookings, issue boarding passes, and print various reports. This tutorial will take the booking agent through the steps to:
1.Begin by logging in to UDDERS. Enter your username and password (which should have been provided to you by your system administrator) in the login screen, which will look like the picture to the right. If you have not been assigned a username and/or a password, contact your system administrator, as you will not be able to continue with this tutorial otherwise.
2. This will bring you to the main menu, once you have completed logging in. From the main menu, you will primarily be using the Passenger Information section to complete your tasks as a plane booking agent. This section of UDDERS allows you to book passengers, modify or delete a booking, print boarding passes, and generate refund listings, flight bookings, and passenger listings. To access this section, press the Passenger Information button from the main menu.
3. After clicking on the Passenger Information button, you will see a third screen, which is displayed to the right again. This screen is your central launching point for handling passenger bookings and printing various reports.
Booking a passenger is one of the most time-consuming and error-prone tasks there is. However, the procedures to book a passenger are being streamlined substantially via UDDERS.
1.From the Passenger Information menu, select Book Passenger. You will now be in the Book Passenger screen.
Dairy Air comments and questions are in blue emphasis
This highlighting is effective and attractive. An excellent visual cue but it would be more effective if the contrast between the two colours used was greater (ie. blue and yellow instead of orange and red).
2.Input the passenger's last name.
3.Input the passenger's first name.
4.Input the passenger's phone number.
5.Input the passenger's address.
6.Push the List Flights button. This will bring up the flight selection form to select the passenger's flight.
6 a.Select the departure location from the pull-down list box.
6 b.Select the arrival location from the pull-down list box.
6 c.Enter the departure date. (MM/DD/YY format)
6 d.Enter the arrival date. (MM/DD/YY format) As you've been entering all of these criteria, you will have noticed that the number of flights listed in the Possible Flights box has dwindled from all available flights (i.e., all those flights that weren't overbooked) to just a few.
7.From the list of flights choose the flight the passenger wants by clicking it.
8.Now, click on OK. If this was done correctly, the Departure Date, Time and Flight Number will be filled in on the booking screen.
In addition, some ticket information will be entered. The ticket number, purchase date and purchase cost are filled in by UDDERS when a flight has been chosen.
9.If the passenger wants flight insurance, check the check box next to the option.
10.Now enter the method of payment, by selecting the appropriate radio button. If payment is by credit card, then there's more stuff to do!
10 a.Enter the credit card type.
10 b.Enter the credit card number.
10 c.Finally, enter the expiry date of the card.
11Now choose OK to store the information. This will return you to the Passenger Information menu.
NOTE: Pressing the Cancel button at any time will return you to the Passenger Information menu without saving your changes!
Editing and deleting bookings is again an easy task for the booking agent using UDDERS.
1.From the Passenger Information menu select Edit/Delete Passenger. This brings up the Edit/Delete Passenger Form.
2.After pushing the List Passenger button, you can enter one or more of the pieces of data below, until you see the record that you want to edit or delete in the Possible Matches section of the page.
Dairy Air comments and questions are in blue emphasis
Again, nice use of visuals.
2 a.If you know the ticket number, enter it into its box on the form.
2 b.If you know the first name, enter this into its respective box.
2 c.If you know the last name, enter this into its appropriate slot.
2 d.Also, you can find the person by entering the phone number.
3.Select the passenger you want by clicking on their entry in the possible matches table.
4.Click OK to get the information retrieved back onto the edit / delete passenger booking form, or use Cancel to exit without retrieving any information.
5.If you want to delete the passenger you've retrieved, click the Delete! button. UDDERS will confirm this is what you want to do, and purge the record if you confirm that it is indeed your sane and rational choice!
6.To change information on a passenger's booking, you can generally simply change the information displayed on the form by clicking on the field and overwriting the old data.
6 a.You can change the passenger's last name.
6 b.You can change the passenger's first name.
6 c.You can change the passenger's phone number.
6 d.You can modify the passenger's address.
A passenger's flight information can also be modified using the following procedure.
6 e.Push the List Flights button. This will bring up the flight selection form to change the passenger's flight.
NOTE: Not all of these changes need be made simultaneously
6 e 1.You can change the departure location from the pull-down list box.
6 e 2.You can change the arrival location from the pull-down list box.
6 e 3.You can change the departure date. (MM/DD/YY format)
6 e 4.You can change the arrival date (MM/DD/YY format). As you've been entering all of these criteria, you will have noticed that the number of flights listed in the Possible Flights box has dwindled from all available flights (i.e., all those flights that weren't overbooked) to just a few.
6 e 5.From the list of flights, choose the new flight the passenger wants by clicking it.
6 e 6.Now, click on OK. If this was OK, the new Departure Date, Time and Flight Number will be filled in on the booking screen.
In addition, some new ticket information will be entered. The ticket number, purchase date and purchase cost will be updated by UDDERS when a new flight has been chosen.
7.If the passenger wants or doesn't want flight insurance, check (or uncheck) the check box next to the option.
8.If the method of payment has changed, select the appropriate radio button. If payment is by credit card, then there's more stuff to do!
8 a.Enter the credit card type.
8 b.Enter the credit card number.
8 c.Finally, enter the expiry date of the card.
9.Now choose OK to store the updated information. This will return you to the Passenger Information menu.
NOTE: Pressing the Cancel button at any time will return you to the Passenger Information menu without saving your changes!
Boarding passes are now much easier to generate with UDDERS than ever before. The problems of issuing duplicate seating assignments are over, and passengers enter a new era of freedom--being able to choose their preferred seat type.
1.From the Passenger Information menu, select Print Boarding Pass. You will now be in the Print Boarding Pass screen.
2.After pushing the List Passengers button, you can enter one or more of the pieces of data below, until you see the record that you want to edit or delete in the Possible Matches section of the page.
2 a.If you know the ticket number, enter it into its box on the form.
2 b.If you know the first name, enter this into its respective box.
2 c.If you know the last name, enter this into its appropriate slot.
2 d.Also, you can find the person by entering the phone number.
3.Select the passenger you want by clicking on their entry in the possible matches table.
4.Click OK to get the information retrieved back onto the print boarding pass form, or use Cancel to exit without retrieving any information.
5.Once the passenger information has been retrieved, you will notice that the last and first name fields are filled in, as is one line in the Possible Matches table. Over to the right hand side, a list of available seats will be displayed, along with their type.
6.Click on the seat that most closely matches the passenger's preference, and press the Print! button to print a boarding pass for that passenger.
7.Once you have printed a boarding pass or if no seats are available on this flight, press the Done button and return to the Passenger Information menu. From there, you can either return to the main menu or edit the passenger's booking (if required).
UDDERS is a very powerful tool with the potential to do a lot for the management team at Dairy Air. One of these powerful tools is a refund list, which will enable management to issue refunds to their inconvenienced passengers as quickly as they possibly can.
1.Press the Print Refund List button on the Passenger Information menu.
This will generate a report looking similar to the following:
Sample Refund List -------------------- Dairy Air Refund List February 27, 1997 Customer Name Current Address Flt. # Original Number Refund Ticket of times Amount Price delayed ----------------------- --------------------------- ------ -------- -------- -------- Doe, Mr. John 123 Anyplace Lane NW 123 $132.90 2 $ 96.68 Anycity, Anywhere Postal Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIGHT 123 SUBTOTAL $ 96.68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smith, Dr. Jane 456 Main Street 412 $456.78 1 $228.39 Podunk, Nowhere Postal Code Rogers, Mr. Jefferson 123 Sesame Street 412 $123.45 3 $108.04 MiddleofNowhere, Nowhere Postal Code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIGHT 412 SUBTOTAL $336.43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS $433.11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dairy Air comments and questions are in blue emphasis
Nice printout format.
2.The user will be given a choice of two buttons. One will allow the user to print the report, and the other will return the user to the Passenger Information menu.
2 a.To print the report, the user can press the Print button. This will generate a hardcopy of the report.
3.To stop viewing the report and delete the records from the database, the user can press the Done button. This will purge the records and make a backup copy of the report for archival purposes.
UDDERS is a very powerful tool with the potential to do a lot for the management team at Dairy Air. One of these powerful tools is a flight report, which indicates the people currently booked on the flight and the current revenue generated by the flight.
1.Press the Flight List button on the Passenger Information menu.
2.This will bring up the flight selection form to locate the flight you want a flight manifest for.
2 a.Select the departure location from the pull-down list box.
2 b.Select the arrival location from the pull-down list box.
2 c.Select the departure date. (MM/DD/YY format)
2 d.You can change the arrival date (MM/DD/YY format). As you've been entering all of these criteria, you will have noticed that the number of flights listed in the Possible Flights box has dwindled from all available flights (i.e., all those flights that weren't overbooked) to just a few.
2 e.From the list of flights, choose the flight you want a manifest for by clicking it.
3 a.Now, click on OK. If this was OK, a flight list looking like the following will be generated.
Sample Flight List --------------------- Dairy Air Flight List February 27, 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------- Flight #412 Toronto -> Calgary 2145 3 March 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------- Smith, Dr. Jane 456 Main Street Podunk, Nowhere Postal Code Rogers, Mr. Jefferson 123 Sesame Street Middleofnowhere, Nowhere Postal Code : : : : : : --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 40 pas booked, 60 pas capacity (57% full) ---------------------------------------------------------------3 b.If you don't wish to select a flight, press the Cancel button and you will be returned to the Passenger Information menu.
4.The user will be given a choice of two buttons. One will allow the user to print the report, and the other will return the user to the Passenger Information menu.
4 a.To print the report, the user can press the Print button. This will generate a hardcopy of the report.
5.To stop viewing the report, the user can press the Done button.
UDDERS is a very powerful tool with the potential to do a lot for the management team at Dairy Air. One of these powerful tools is a passenger list, which indicates the pasengers who were actually able to board the flight.
1.Press the Passenger List button on the Passenger Information menu.
2.This will bring up the flight selection form to locate the flight you want a flight manifest for.
2 a.Select the departure location from the pull-down list box.
2 b.Select the arrival location from the pull-down list box.
2 c.Select the departure date. (MM/DD/YY format)
2 d.You can change the arrival date (MM/DD/YY format). As you've been entering all of these criteria, you will have noticed that the number of flights listed in the Possible Flights box has dwindled from all available flights (i.e., all those flights that weren't overbooked) to just a few.
2 e.From the list of flights, choose the flight you want a passengermanifest for by clicking it.
3 a.Now, click on OK. If this was OK, a passenger list looking like the following will be generated.
Sample Passenger List ------------------------ Dairy Air Passenger List February 27, 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------- Flight #412 Toronto -> Calgary 2145 3 March 1997 --------------------------------------------------------------- 18A Smith, Dr. Jane 456 Main Street Podunk, Nowhere Postal Code 18B Rogers, Mr. Jefferson 123 Sesame Street Middleofnowhere, Nowhere Postal Code : : : : : : : : : --------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS 40 pas boarded, 60 pas capacity (67% full) ---------------------------------------------------------------3 b.If you don't wish to select a flight, press the Cancel button and you will be returned to the Passenger Information menu.
4.The user will be given a choice of two buttons. One will allow the user to print the report, and the other will return the user to the Passenger Information menu.
4 a.To print the report, the user can press the Print button. This will generate a hardcopy of the report.
5.To stop viewing the report and purge the records from the database, the user can press the Done button. This will also create a backup report for archival purposes.