r = retail account
AgreementNumber = long Integer
Carrier = @CarrierID + RouteNumber + NameLast + NameFirst +
TelephoneNumber + MailAddressStreet + MailAddressPC +
DeliveryAddress + DeliveryNotes
*object; represent personel who delivery magazines and newspapers to households they also collect payment for household newspaper subscriptions.*
CarrierID = Integer.
*Primary key attribute of Carrier*
ContactNameFirst = 20 Character Sting.
ContactNameLast = 20 Character Sting.
CompanyName = 50 Character String.
CopiesRemaining = Integer
CurrentBalance = Currency
Customer Account = @AccountNumber + NewCharges + OverdueAmount + CurrentBalance
*object; represents the various charges that can exist for a
Customer Complaints = @AccountNumber + @Date + Description + Follow-up
*object; keeps track of complaints received from customers who have accounts with Northam.*
Date = Date data type dd/mm/yy format
D1Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D2Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D3Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D4Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D5Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D6Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
D7Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
DeliveryAddressStreet = 50 Character String.
DeliveryLocation = 255 Character String.
DeliveryNotes = 255 Character String.
DeliveryQuantity = Integer [0 or greater].
Delivery Route = @RouteNumber + EmployeeID + TruckNumber
*object; represents a delivery route for a truck.*
Demograph1 = 100 Character String.
Data attributes of this type are to be defined by the customer
Description = 255 Character String
District = @DistrictNumber + Demograph1 + ...
*object; represents geographical area for a District.*
DistrictNumber = Integer.
DropNumber = Integer.
DropAddress = 255 Character String
Drop Location = @DropNumber + RouteNumber + DropAddress + DeliveryNotes
*object; represents address and route for a specific drop location*
Follow-up = 255 Character String
GST = Currency
Household Customer = @AccountNumber + CarrierID + DistrictNumber +
NameLast + NameFirst + NameInitial +
TeleponeNumber + DeliveryAddressStreet
MailAddressStreet + MailaddressPC + ZoneNumber
*object; represents househole customers that Carriers deliver to.*
Household Delivery = @AccountNumber + @ProductID + @Date + QuantityDelivered
*object-describes what products have been delivered to a
household on a given day.*
Household Delivery Zone = @ZoneNumber + DropNumber + TotalCustomers
*object; represents particular geographic area for a number of household customers.*
Household Magazine Subscription = @SubscriptionNumber + AccountNumber + ProductID + Quantity + StartDate + StopDate
*object-describes what magazine products a household
subscribes to.*
Household Newspaper Subscription = @SubscriptionNumber + AccountNumber + ProductID + D1to4Quantity + D5Quantity + D6Quantity +
D7Quantity + StartDate + StopDate
*object-describes what newspaper products a household
subscribes to.*
HPriceD1toD4 = Currency
HPrice5 = Currency
HPrice6 = Currency
HPrice7 = Currency
Invoice = @InvoiceNumber + InvoiceDate + AccountNumber + InvoiceAmount +
InvoiceAmount + GST + PaymentReceived
*object-describes invoice to be billed to retail and househo ld customers.*
InvoiceAmount = Currency
InvoiceDate = Date data type dd/mm/yy format
InvoiceNumber = long Integer
IssuesPerYear = Integer
Magazine Products = @ProductID + Productname + RetailSinglePrice
+ WholsalePrice + Price3MSubscription +
Price6MSubscription + Price1YSubscription +
Price2YSubscription + Price3YSubscription +
*object-describes magazine products that Northam
MailAddressPC = 7 Character String first 3 characters
seperated from last three by a space.
MailAddressStreet = 50 Character String.
Newspaper Products = @ProductID +ProductName + HPriceD1toD4 +
HPriceD5 + HPriceD6 + HPriceD7 + RPriceD1toD4 +
RPriceD5 + RPriceD6 + RPriceD7
*object-describes Newspaper products that Northam
NameFirst = 20 Character String
NameInitial = 2 Character String
NameLast = 20 Character String
NewCharges = Currency
Newsbox = @AccountNumber + ProductID + RouteNumber + RouteOrder +
DistrictNumber + DeliveryLocation + D1Quantity +
D2Quantity + D3Quantity + D4Quantity + D5Quantity +
D6Quantity + D7Quantity + DeliveryNotes
*object; represents a newsbox for a particular route location where number of papers can vary for the different days of the week.*
News Box Complaint = @AccountNumber + @Date + NameLast + NameFirst + Telepho neNumber + Description + Follow-up
*object-describes a complaint received about a newsbox.*
News Box Consignment = @AccountNumber + @ProductNumber + @Date + QuantityDel +
*object-describes products delivered and returned
from newsboxes
OverdueAmount = Currency
PaymentReceived = Currency
Price1YSubscription = Currency
Price2YSubscription = Currency
Price3YSubscription = Currency
Price3MSubscription = Currency
Price6MSubscription = Currency
PriceWholesale = Currency
ProductID = Positive Integer
ProductName = 30 character string
Product Sales History = @Date + @DistrictNumber + @ProductID +
*object-describes sales history of all products.*
Quantity = Integer [0 or greater].
QuantityDelivered = Integer [0 or greater].
QuantityReturned = Integer [0 or greater].
QuantitySold = Integer [0 or greater].
Retail Consignment = @AccountNumber + @ProductNumber + @Date + QuantityDelivered + QuantityReturned
*object-describes products delivered and returned
from retailers*
Retail Customer = @AccountNumber + RouteNumber + RouteOrder + DistrictNumber + CompanyName + ContactNameLast + ContactNameFirst + TelephoneNumber + DeliveryAddressStreet + MailAddressStreet + MailAddressPC + Deliverynotes
*object; represents a retail customer which recieves products.*
Retail Magazine Consignment Agreement = @AgrementNumber + AccountNumber + ProductID + DeliveryQuantity
*object-describes consignment agreement between Northam and retailers for magazine products.*
Retail Newspaper Consignment Agreement = @AgreementNumber + AccountNumber + ProductID + D1Quantity +D2Quantity + D3Quantity + D4Quantity + D5Quantity + D6Quantity +D7Quantity
*object-describes consignment agreement between Northam and retailers for newpaper products.*
RPriceD1toD4 = Currency
RPrice5 = Currency
RPrice6 = Currency
RPrice7 = Currency
RouteNumber = Integer
RouteOrder = Integer
StartDate = Date data type dd/mm/yy format
StopDate = Date data type dd/mm/yy format
SubscriptionNumber = long Integer
TelephoneNumber = 14 Character String of the form (999)-999-9999
TotalCustomers = Integer
TruckNumber = Integer
UnitPrice = Currency
ZoneNumber = Integer

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