SquidSoft Inc. - GUIDOs
Detailed Design Document - Process Specifications |
As employees, in general, don't have access to all functions of the system, we have to pre-define the access of each security level so that we can restrict the type of information that employees have access to. The Process Security Operation is divided into five submodules - Add Security Level, Modify Security Level, Delete Security Level, Sort Security Level by different order and Print Security Level Information.
![]() The SecurityInterface appears when a user clicks on the Security button in the Main Menu Interface, provided that the use has high security level to make any changes on the security data store. The Security Interface displays all security levels that are currently in use.
![]() Purpose: Allow user to add, view, modify, delete, and print information about security levels Inputs:
Called by:
Error conditions:
if (getMenuChoice() == "Add") then Add New Security Level to the Security database else if (getMenuChoice() == "Delete") then Delete selected Security Level from Security database else if (getMenuChoice() == "Sort by") then Displays the Sort by Interface else if (getMenuChoice() == "Print") then Print all security levels that are currently in use else if (getMenuChoice() == "Exit") then return to main menu
To add a new security level, the user presses on a blank line. Then, the user can enter a new security level that he/she wants to add to the database and selects what kind of information that employees with the new security level have access to. Once this is done, the user has to click on the Add botton in order to add the new security level to the database. On success, a dialogue box which says "The new security level is added" is being displayed. Then, the window "Security" with all currently available security levels together with the new security level is being displayed on the screen. If the security level is being used, it results in a dialogue box being displayed which reads "The Security Level is being used" and the new entry will not be added to the database. Then, the window "Security" with all currently available security levels is being displayed on the screen. If the user does not grant any access permission to the new security level, it results in a dialogue box being displayed which says "No access permission is granted to the new security level. Failure to add a new security level" and the new entry will not be added to the database. Then, the window "Security" with all currently available security levels is being displayed on the screen.
![]() Inputs:
Error conditions:
Algorithm: if inputs from user are syntactically correct then securities[Security level] := Security level Send security level to data store (Securities) to be added if datastore reported success then print_to_user `ok' else print_to_user 'Security level is already in use' end if else print_to_user `Invalid Input' end if return to the interface to allow user to choose other options or go back to the main menu
To modify a security level, the user clicks on the row containing the information of that security level. Then, the user can directly edit the fields. On success, the database will be updated and the window "Security" with all currently available security levels together with the modified entry is being displayed on the screen. If the user removes all access permission of the security level, a dialogue box which says "No access permission is granted. Failure to modify the security level" is being displayed on the screen. The database will not be updated.
![]() Purpose: Allow user to modify information of an existing security level Inputs:
Error conditions:
Algorithm: if user trys to remove all access permission of the security level then print_to_user "Can't remove all access permission" else if user trys to modify the name of the security level then print_to_user "Can't change name of the security level" if user clicks on a radio button then toggle state of that permission of security_level where the radio button is clicked on
To delete a security level from the database, the user selects the security level that he/she wants to remove by pressing on that row. Once it is selected, the user clicks on the Delete button which results in a confirmation box which asks the user if this is the correct security level to be deleted. If the user answers no, i.e. it is not the correct security level to be deleted, then the database will not be updated and the window "Security" with all currently availble security levels together with the one the user does not delete is being displayed. On success, the database will be updated with the selected security level removed from the database. Then, the window "Security" with all currently available security levels, not including the one that is deleted, is being displayed. If there exists employees having the selected security level that is about to be deleted, it results in a dialogue box being displayed. It informs the user that the selected security level cannot be deleted because there are employees having that security level and the user has to change the security level of those employees before deleting the selected entry. Therefore, the database will not be updated. Then, the window "Security" with all currently available security levels including the entry selected by the user is being displayed.
![]() Purpose: Delete a security level Inputs:
Error conditions:
Algorithm: if there exists employee(s) that is assigned to the selected security level to be deleted then print_to_user "There exists employee(s) in security level, selected security level cannot be deleted" else print_to_user 'Are you really want to delete?' if user clicks on the button "yes" then delete selected security level from database update information shown inside security interface else do nothing endif endif
Error conditions:
Algorithm: if user clicks on the 'Sort by' button then display two-option sort menu - ascending and descending endif if user clicks on the 'ascending' button then display list of all security levels in ascending order else /* i.e. 'descending' button is pressed */ display list of all security levels in descending order endif
User may obtain a hard copy of all security levels that are currently available in the system by pressing the Print botton. When the Print botton is clicked, a print options box will be displayed. After choosing the destination for the print job and pressing the OK button, a printout with all the information that is shown on the Security window will be produced.
![]() Purpose: Print all security levels that are currently in use. Input:
Error conditions:
Algorithm: Print all security level information in a report form to printer. Order will be same as the current ordering on the screen.
Once modification of security information is done, the user can press the Exit button resulting in terminating all process security operation and the main menu being displayed.
![]() Purpose: Return to the Main Menu Input:
Error condition:
Algorithm: if there is any security report being generated then print_to_user "Do you want to abort printing security level report" if user presses on a "Yes" button then abort generating security level report and print job else continue generating security level report and send it to the printer and don't go back to the main menu endif else if other processes have not been finished yet then print_to_user "Do you want to abort the current process" if user presses on a "Yes" button then abort that process and return to the main menu else continue the current process endif endif |
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This site created and maintained with Mortar |