SquidSoft Inc. - GUIDOs
Detailed Design Document - Testing Plan

In order to properly test the Inventory menu it will be required to test basic functions such as adding/modifying/searching. Since all these require user input than that is where most tests will be concentrated. We will also be testing the Security access so each function is secure.

  1. User1 will not have change access in the inventory window
    • The user attempts to change one of the fields in the grid that is not 'read-only' to another valid value
    Expected Result
    • The user selects that field in the window
    • The user makes changes to it
    • The user hits enter to attempt to access another field
    • Error message will display saying his access does not allow modifications
    • The field that was changed will restore the original value

  2. User2 will have change access in the inventory window
    • The user attempts to change one of the fields in the grid that is 'read-only'
    Expected Result
    • The user selects a 'read-only' field in the window
    • Nothing happens and he will not be allowed to change it

  3. User2 will have change access in the inventory window
    • The user attempts to change one of the fields in the grid that is not 'read-only' to another valid value
    Expected Result
    • The user selects a field in the window
    • The user makes changes to it
    • The user hits enter to attempt to access another field
    • The field is changed on the database and proccessing continues

  4. User2 will have change access in the inventory window
    • The user attempts to change one of the fields in the grid that is not 'read-only' to another invalid value
    Expected Result
    • The user selects a field in the window
    • The user makes changes to it
    • The user hits enter to attempt to access another field
    • Error message displayed stating which field in in error and how (ex. Quantity field is non-numeric)
    • Return to that field so that it can be changed to a valid one

  5. INPUT
    • The user wants to exit the system
    Expected Result
    • The user clicks on the EXIT button
    • The system exits by closing the inventory window and returning to the main menu

  6. User3 has no print access
    • The user wants to print the grid information
    Expected Result
    • The user clicks on the PRINT button
    • The system returns an error message saying he doesnt have access to print

  7. User4 has print access
    • The user wants to print the grid information
    Expected Result
    • The user clicks on the PRINT button
    • The system displays the print box and waits for the OK
    • The system produces the print job and sends it to the printer

  8. User4 has print access, but the grid is empty
    • The user wants to print the grid information
    Expected Result
    • The user clicks on the PRINT button
    • The system displays the print box and waits for the OK
    • The system reports that the inventory is empty and does not print anything
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