SquidSoft Inc. - GUIDOs
Detailed Design Document - Testing Plan

           Process 9.1.1: Add Store           

There are 3 basic conditions we need to check

  1. Syntactically Incorrect Inputs
  2. Store ID entered is already in use
  3. A successful Add Store operation

We must prepare the data in the system to meet the following conditions:

  1. User1 enters store interface
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and presses the Add (Store) button.
    • We enter a syntactically incorrect Store ID (a character, a 6 digit integer), along with the rest of the fields entered being SYNTACTICALLY correct.
    Expected Result
    • When the user presses the Add button, a cursor should appear in a blank Store ID field in the Stores window. After the user has entered all the information, the system should output sn error message stating that the Store ID entered is not syntactically correct (should be an integer not exceeding 5 digits).

    Similarly, this test can be repeated on various combinations of syntactically incorrect inputs being entered; first isolated cases

    Store Name (should be non-empty and contain at least one character that is NOT a tab or a space)

    Store Address (should be non-empty and contain at least one character that is NOT a tab or a space, should include Postal code and province)

    Manager name (should be non-empty and contain at least one character that is NOT a tab or a space)

    Phone number (non-empty, 10 digits long -- 3 for area code, 7 for the local number)

    then various combinations of incorrect syntax being used to check if each error will be caught by the system

  2. There exists a store with its Store ID being 12345
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and presses the Add (Store) button.
    • We enter 12345 as the new store's Store ID, along with the rest of the fields entered being SYNTACTICALLY correct.
    Expected Result
    • When the user presses the Add button, a cursor should appear in a blank Store ID field in the Stores window. After the user has entered all the information, the system should output sn error message stating that the Store ID entered is already in use.

  3. There does NOT exist a store with its Store ID being 24680
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and presses the Add (Store) button.
    • We enter 24680 as the new store's Store ID, along with the rest of the fields entered being SYNTACTICALLY correct.
    Expected Result
    • When the user presses the Add button, a cursor should appear in a blank Store ID field in the Stores window. After the user has entered all the information, the system should report that the store was succesfully added. The new instance of store should now be added into the database.

           Process 9.1.2: Delete Store           

There are 3 basic conditions we need to check

  1. An unsuccessful Delete Store operation
    1. There are still employees employed at the store we wish to delete
    2. There are pending orders for the store we wish to delete
    3. The inventory of the store we wish to delete is not empty
  2. A successful Delete Store operation

We must prepare the data in the system to meet the following conditions: There is a store whose Store ID is 12345, and a store whose Store ID is 24680 in the database

    1. There is an employee Jack who works at a store whose Store ID is 12345
      • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, select the store with the Store ID as 12345 using the mouse and press the Delete (Store) button.
      Expected Result
      • When the user "selects" the Store ID field (thereby selecting the store record associaited with it), the record (ie row) should be highlighted.
      • When the user presses the Delete button, an error message should be displayed to the user stating that there are still employees associated with that store.
      • The store will NOT be deleted.

    2. There is a pending order # whose Store ID field is 12345.
      • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, select the store with the Store ID as 12345 using the mouse and press the Delete (Store) button.
      Expected Result
      • When the user "selects" the Store ID field (thereby selecting the store record associaited with it), the record (ie row) should be highlighted.
      • When the user presses the Delete button, an error message should be displayed to the user stating that there are still pending orders associated with that store.
      • The store will NOT be deleted.

    3. There is at least one inventory record whose Store ID field is 12345
      • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, select the store with the Store ID as 12345 using the mouse and press the Delete (Store) button.
      Expected Result
      • When the user "selects" the Store ID field (thereby selecting the store record associaited with it), the record (ie row) should be highlighted.
      • When the user presses the Delete button, an error message should be displayed to the user stating that there is still inventory associated with that store.
      • The store will NOT be deleted.

  1. There are NO pending orders, NO employees, NO inventory associated with a store whose Store ID is 24680
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, select the store with the Store ID as 24680 using the mouse and press the Delete (Store) button.
    Expected Result
    • When the user "selects" the Store ID field (thereby selecting the store record associaited with it), the record (ie row) should be highlighted.
    • When the user presses the Delete button, the store record should be deleted from the database.

           Process 9.1.3: Update Store           

There are 3 basic conditions we need to check

  1. Syntactically Incorrect Inputs
  2. User attempts to update Store ID
  3. A successful Update Store operation

We must prepare the data in the system to meet the following conditions:

  1. User1 enters store interface
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and selects a store record.
    • We enter a syntactically incorrect Store Name (ie empty/blank), along with the rest of the fields entered being SYNTACTICALLY correct.
    Expected Result
    • When the user selects a store record, a cursor should appear in the Store Name field in the Stores window. After the user has entered all the information, and presses the update button, the system should output sn error message stating that the Store Name entered is not syntactically correct (should be non-empty with at least 1 character whicgh is neither a tab nor a space).

    Similarly, this test can be repeated on various combinations of syntactically incorrect inputs being entered; first isolated cases

    Store Address (should be non-empty and contain at least one character that is NOT a tab or a space, should include Postal code and province)

    Manager name (should be non-empty and contain at least one character that is NOT a tab or a space)

    Phone number (non-empty, 10 digits long -- 3 for area code, 7 for the local number)

    then various combinations of incorrect syntax being used to check if each error will be caught by the system

  2. We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and selects a store record
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and select a store.
    • We try to modify the store's Store ID field.
    Expected Result
    • The cursor will not move to the Store ID field. User can NOT modify the Store ID.

  3. INPUT
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and selects a store record.
    • We enter new values into the various fields (except the Store ID which cannot be modified) being SYNTACTICALLY correct.
    Expected Result
    • When the user presses the update button, a cursor should appear in the Name field of the store selected in the Stores window. After the user has entered all the information, the system should report that the store was succesfully updated. The updated instance of store should now be in the database.

           Process 9.1.4: Print Store           

There are 1 basic conditions we need to check

  1. A successful Print Store operation
  2. <special case> there are no stores in the system

We must prepare the data in the system to meet the following conditions:

  1. There are a few store records in the database.
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and press the print button.
    Expected Result
    • All the stores in the stores table database will be printed.

  2. There are NO store records in the database.
    • We then login to the system as user1, and accesses the store interface, and press the print button.
    Expected Result
    • The column headings will be printed out, but no store info.
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