Response To Customer Questions
- Management Functions
- Modify Employee Information
- After reviewing the search capabilities that you requested for the different users it is felt that cutting down the possible search keys would improve ease of use of the database. We would request your input into this situation. Until such time, as requested a list of who many search the database on the given search criteria follows:
- Customer Table: (front desk and management)
- confirmation ID
- first name
- last name
- credit card number
- arrival date
- employee who booked
- employee who signed them in
- employee who signed them out
- Room: (front desk and management)
- room number
- room type
- Employee: (management)
- employee ID
- employee first name
- employee last name
- Room Services: (room service, front desk and management)
- order ID
- item ID
- time ordered
- date ordered
- time to deliver
- date to deliver
- room number
- employee ID
- Fees: (managment)
- item ID
- name of item
- cost per unit
- Remove Old Invoices
- As desired we will not delete old invoices, instead they will be marked as inactive and left in the database.
- Front Desk Functions
- Reservations
- Enter New Reservation
- We no longer keep duration, date of departure is kept instead. All calculations envolving duration of stay will use a calculated value.
- Check-In:
- Inputs:
- A field has been added to the tables to allow the insertion of a picture I.D. number and a field for I.D. type. (I.D. type is similar to credit card type)
- Outputs:
- Date of departure will now be displayed on output of checking in a client.
- Checkout:
- Error Conditions:
- An error condition will occur if a customer checks out early. However, we wish to ask if this is a standard hotel practice.
- Modify Reservation Information:
- Inputs:
- A user must now input the departure date as well.
- Fields for the input of picture I.D. number and type will also be added.
- Room Service Functions
- Food Orders
- The order number is automatically generated by the database. It is not nessisary for the user to input it manually.
- Accounting Functions
- Modify Changable Rate
- As noted by the customer these functions will be restricted to management only.
- Data Stores
- General comments:
- As asked employees will be given access to certain functions (depending on access type) labled with a star.
- Employee:
- Only management will be given access to the employee functions.
- Invoices:
- The link between Customer and Invoice tables is now one to many (1:M).
- Reports
- General Comment:
- Employees will be given the ability to view query results for SQL searchs are required.