Search for a Customer

General Description
Finding a customer through the Customer Search screen can be used to find customers in the library system who match certain criteria. This includes all of those customers with a certain partial name, partial address, phone number, and a category. The results of the search are displayed in a list allowing the librarian to jump to other screens to get more information on the customer.

Screen Description
User IDEnter the user ID of a customer to find (optional).
Last NameEnter the last name for whom to partially or completely search (optional).
First NameEnter the first name for whom to partially or completely search (optional).
PhoneEnter the exact phone number for whom to search(optional).
CategoryChoose the customer category to search for matching customers (optional).
AddressEnter the address to partially or completely search for matching customers (optional).
CityEnter the exact city name to search for matching customers (optional) .
ProvinceEnter the exact province code to search for matching customers (optional).
Postal CodeEnter the exact postal code to search for matching customers (optional).
CountryEnter the exact country name to search for matching customers (optional).
Clear ButtonClears the search fields to start again.
Search Button Starts a search based on the criteria given and puts the results in the Results Grid.
Top Cancel ButtonExits the search screen.
Results GridDisplays a list of the customers who match the search criteria.
Select ButtonViews or changes the information on the currently selected customer in the Results Grid.
Print ButtonPrints the results of the customer search in a report. Quit Button - Exits the search screen.
Help ButtonGets help on using the Customer Search screen of the book management system.

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