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Through a lens smartly. M. Robinson, Byte, May 1991 pp.177-187.
Smarter email is coming. A. Reinhardt, Byte, March 1993 pp.90-108.
Hitting warp speed for LANs. M. Clarkson, Byte, March 1993 pp.123-128.
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A Conversation with Marvin Minsky About Agents. Marvin Minsky and Doug Riecken, Communications of the ACM, 37(7), 1994 pp.22-29.
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It's crunch time in cyberspace, in Cyberspace G.A. Poole 1993 pp. 52-57.
Paving the digital superhighway. A.M.. Biesada 1993 pp. 58-62.
The digital gold rush. J. Littman, UnixWorld, Dec 1993 pp.43-48.
Through a lens smartly. M. Robinson, Byte, May 1991 pp.177-187.
Smarter email is coming. A. Reinhardt, Byte, March 1993 pp.90-108.
Hitting warp speed for LANs. M. Clarkson, Byte, March 1993 pp.123-128.
Mixed messaging. H. Eglowstein & B. Smith, Byte, March 1993 pp.136-154.
What is acceptable Internet use? J. Ubois, MacWeek 6(34).