
Home Page Wizard provides help for all the functions that it does support. This application also gives a step-by-step help page on how to create your own home page. It was also nice to see the "Tip of the Day" feature implemented to help unfamiliar users.

HotDog Standard carries a fairly useful help section. The help that comes with the software explains more about HotDog and its features, as well as extensive help on HTML. This includes an introduction to HTML, an HTML tutorial, and an HTML reference page.

The Live Markup help system contains a large help file on how to use this editor. There is help for all functions in Live Markup and for creating n HTML document.

Aardvark Pro has no help to speak of for using their program or on HTML. They claim that extensive help comes with their registered version, but that does not help anyone testing their program from finding out the full functionality of it.

Special Mention

One thing that we appreciated during testing of Aardvark Pro were the Wizards that it contained. HotDog contained all of the same functions as the Aardvark Wizards but had them as standard tools and not specialty items. However, Aardvark Pro does provide a Home Page Wizard that allows a user to create a basic home page template. The Wizard gets the user to specify the title, subtitle, page image, sections to be included in the page, a mail link, address section, a last updated section, background and foreground colors, and a background image. All of the code is produced, and the user must then fill in the sections of the page.

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