What are some elements of effective groupware?
- real-time remote co-operative working (WYSIWIS)
(the ability for several remotely located people to see the same objects and to watch each other's point and refer unambiguously to them.)
- integration across differing tasks
(reduced the walls between different applications)
- personal secretary function
(to protect its user from unnecessary disruptions, take messages)
- time management
(managing diary, refer to diaries of others for scheduling meetings)
- co-ordination
(e-mail, keeping track of state of group project, commitments, issuing reminders)
- multi media
(handling text, images, video and sound)
- end-user programming
(make secretarial facilities personal)
What kinds of groups can use it?
- Distance Learning
- In University of Michigan Department of Medicine, medical images are shared with other medical institutes.
- Link between Royal Children Hospital to classrooms, enable children who cannot go to school to be able to take part in classroom decisions.
- Call the Expert
- Ford Motor Company communication with plant location to gether up-today information.
- Boeing Computer Services get assembling techniques across difference site locations.
- Customer Service
- LandRover and Black & Decker marketing products faster, reduce costly errors.
- Visual rehearsal
- The Gertrude Stein Repertory Theatre share dance routines among actresses/actors scattered in dispersed geographic locations.
- Remote Diagnosis
- specialists can diagnosis the disease at University of Nebraska without going on-site physically.
What ways is it used?
- Bulletin Boards eg. CompuServe, American-Online
- Chat eg. IRC, Webstation
- Collaborative Design eg. Architecture
- Collaborative Drawing and Writing eg. Shared Whiteboard, The Conversation Board
- Email eg. ELM, Eudora
- Groupware Toolkits: GroupKit, based on Tcl/Tk from U of Califonia, headed by Saul Greenberg to provide an easy to use but extensible interpreted environment for developing groupware
- Group Decision Supporting System (GDSS) eg. GroupSystems, The Meeting Room face to face meeting in rooms with a large screen/video projector and a number of workstations/laptops with special meeting room systems.
- MUDs
- Newsgroups
- Scientific Collaboration
- Shared windows eg. XMX(X-windows based)
- Desktop conferencing eg. IBM P2P
- Video communications eg Desktop Videoconferencing
- Virtual reality eg, Collaborative word in Virtual Environment
- Workflow Management System eg. IBM FlowMark
- Teleconferencing
eg. IBM P2P (Person to Person) Desktop Conferencing
- Workflow Management Systems
eg. IBM Flowmark
- Group Decision Support Systems
eg.GroupSystems for Windows
Features of Teleconferencing:
Allowing users to connect their computers and work
together as if they are in the same place. Business
documents, drawings and photo images can be shared
among users. What it needs is microphone, speakers,
high-speed 28.8 modem and the conferencing software.
User can talk and transmit data over the same phone
line. While talking on the phone, users can work
together on a shared document, transferring file or
sending images over the same ordinary telephone line.
Together with a tiny camera mounted at the cover corner
of a laptop, users can see each other on the screen with
a tiny little picture at the corner.
There are basically three different kinds of Teleconferencing applications.
To get further information, please visit other relevant sites on particular application.
- Desktop Conferencing
eg. IBM Desktop Conferencing P2P
- Personal Conferencing
eg. IBM Personal Conferencing P2P Screencall
- Video Conferencing
eg. VideoConferecing Home Page
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IBM FlowMark
Imagine you are a bank employee who has to process a loan request. You need to
know which steps to follow, which organizational guidelines to consider, and who to
ask for approval.
As a bank clerk, you start the loan request application on the workstation and the
first activity in the process appears on the worklist telling you what to do. The first
activity could be gathering the customer's information, the system automatically
executes the next work item by checking customer data or by performing a credit
scoring. Then the system passes the relevant information on this case to another
bank employee who can assess the credit risk.
This second employee automatically gets this work item on a personal to-do-list and
processes the evaluation. Assuming that the risk for this banking transaction is high
but affordable and a signature is needed from one of the bank managers, this
employee requests the necessary signature.
The select bank manager gets this work item on a to-do-list and signs electronically
after evaluating the case. All necessary work items for the loan request have now
been processed and the bank can grant the loan to the customer. The process can be
done in good order without leaving the customer unattended while asking for
evaluation and permission, but instead, the clerk can concentrate on doing the tasks
that need human interaction such as explaining details to the customer and leaving
the repetitive and administrative works to the system.
To get further information on IBM Flowmark, please click
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GDSS -- GroupSystems for Windows
GroupSystems is in experimental setting. It offers a collection of software tools to
support group activities such as brainstorming, information gathering, idea
organization, voting, preference aggregation, and consensus building.
During the meeting -- The facilitator choose a topic for discussion.
Participants at each microcomputers simultaneously type in their
ideas on the subject.
The ideas are sorted by the system and sent to participants
for vote and comment.
In the course of the meeting session, the system store and
categories all the inputs and each participant are
given a copy of summary of the discussion results.
To get further information on GroupSystems for Windows, please click
Here are some Pros and Cons to Group Decision Supporting System.
- Advantages
- 'Talk' simultaneously.
- Saves time.
- Gives everyone a chance to express their ideas.
- Different Locations, same meeting, same time.
- Boosts team-building.(increase productivity and efficiency)
- Participants' anonymity is protected. (Avoid shyness, personal conflicts, encourage more creative and honest input)
- Disadvantages
- Commitment and responsibility while anonymous.
- Origination of good ideas while anonymous.
- Control of irrelevant/ distracting idea while anonymous.
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