Internet Access Methods
- Internet Access Methods
- The ways to access the Internet are many and varied. A few of the major ones inclued:
- BBS - Bulletin Board System
- Most BBSs are not on the Internet. However, the ones that are generally only offer e-mail access. Some notable exceptions to this rule are:
- America On-line
- AOL currently has over 1 million users
- AOL was the BBS to first introduce the Gopher Client
- AOL was the originator of the Usenet newsgroup in Spring 1994.
- Prodigy
- CompuServe
- Compuserve first came on line in 1979.
- In less than 20 years Compuserve has built a user base over 2 million users.
- Compuserve was among first to offer Internet e-mail
- SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- E-mail is far and away the most popular and most used feature of the Internet.
- Over 20 million users of the Internet have only e-mail access. This is a very vast majority of the people considered to be "on the web".
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