Of course there are security constraints as to which files individuals can obtain from the remote computer or server. This constraint is in the form of a logon/password type system, however most FTP servers have what is called an anonymous logon system. This system gives the public the ability to log into an FTP server under the user name "anonymous". The anonymous user will only be able to obtain files designated for the anonymous user. Some sites may give full access to an anonymous user, while other sites can restrict the anonymous user to varying levels of ability (can download files only, can upload files only, can only browse files, etc.). There are thousands of anonymous logon sites and a few as seen in the Charm Net's Pointers to Monster FTP .
Since there are such a large number of anonymous servers to obtain files from, a way to search for a particular file is an impossible task. Archie is a tool that enables users to search anonymous servers for a particular topic. Several Archie servers have been set up to allow people to register files on there anonymous FTP site. A user then can search the entire database looking for a particular item, and the Archie server will be able to point the user to the proper FTP server, the proper directory for the file, a nd even a little synopsis of what the file may be. However, since Archie machines aren't necessarily dedicated for this function, there is some "netiquette" about using Archie. It is preferred if most searche s are done on off-hours, using specific search queries and using the Archie server closest to your location.
There are other means of finding files and FTP servers. In newsgroups, many people list the name of files and the appropriate servers that they can be located on. Over the World Wide Web, there are pages with links directly to these anonymous servers, and with the WWW browsers (such as Netscape) people can even download files. And of course, people can send the names of the server and the files names through e-mail systems and list servers.
For searching the topic Visual Programming, the on-line version of Archie running on the UNIX server
was used. The procedure to use Archie is to type: ARCHIE [-Parameters] 'String'. The different
parameters that can be used by Archie can be listed by type ARCHIE alone, so the entire list will not be
shown here. However, in the search for Visual Programming information, I used the -o parameter
which places the search result into a file (which is named after the -o parameter).
To see an example of what a search result will look like when: Archie -o search visual entered: click here. This search
string alone brought up a tremendous number of possible sites, and the information
in this also gave more sites as well. Other search strings were tried such as 'Visual Programming' (which
actually just brought up the same list), and Programming.
From these result, one can visit the hosts listed with an FTP program and see if any of the information
located there has any important information. For searching the Visual Programming topic, a PC-version
of FTP was used. The typical procedure to use FTP is to type: FTP
From the list of servers listed from my single Archie search, I located several files from several differen
hosts about Visual Programming. On the server ftp.seas.gwu.edu I located an Frequently Asked Question
sheet with information about Web sites, FTP sites, News Groups, Conferences, listing of books, and
journals. On the server vivaldi.belnet.be, ftp.std.com and relay.cs.toronto.edu I located several different
"manuals" and actual complete programs to various different Visual Programming Languages. So it can be
seen that FTP and Archie are very powerful tools, even from such a simple search as on the word "visual".
Each server has vast information, and possibly have more information with the links that they can provide
whether it is to other FTP servers or to any other Internet service.
January 28, 1996