CPSC 679 Project - Elicitation Process

Development of an Expert Knowledge Base for the Control of an Intelligent Robot Sumo Wrestler

by Vladimir R Vila

Line Drawings of Various Robots

Situation Assessment Module

Course Project for CPSC 679 -- Cognitive Processes in Artificial Intelligence

electromagnetic spectrum line

In the case of the RSW application, the issues of positioning, force redirection, attack and defense need to be understood and implemented in the robot's control. These issues have been thoroughly studied and the solutions to the challenges, found in these areas, have been perfected and physically implemented by practitioners of the martial arts. A group of experts from the Chinese combative art, Wing Chuin will be used to compile a rules base that will be used in the robot sumo wrestler's control software. The tactical and eventually the higher level strategic knowledge possessed by these experts will be elicited and used in the fuzzy logic controller.

Challenges Faced in Knowledge Elicitation from Experts

The challenges of knowledge elicitation lies in the diversity of the experts' conceptual constructs and the necessity to use multiple experts because of the distribution of knowledge across a range of experts. It is therefore imperative to have access to a method that addresses the differences in terminologies and conceptual systems so that a unified knowledge base can be rapidly and accurately compiled. Such a system has been developed and documented (Gaines & Shaw, 1989). This system uses an entity-attribute methodology based on Personal Construct Psychology which is designed to allow a significant part of the conceptual systems of experts to be elicited through computer-based interactive interviewing techniques. The system is called the Knowledge Support System Zero (KSS0, Gaines, 1987a; Gaines & Shaw, 1987).

electromagnetic spectrum line

Process of Elicitation

After arriving at a methodology and choosing the tools for the process the following process was implemented: