About Vlad Vila, BEng.
Applications Engineer
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
CPSC 679 -- Cognitive Processes in Artificial Intelligence

Course Work
For CPSC 679: Cognitive Processes in Artificial Intelligence
Course Project: Development of an Expert Knowledge Base for Use in a Robotic Sumo Wrestler -- This is a marriage of my interests in ROBOTICS and the MARTIAL ARTS.
- Course Reading Summaries: These are links to summaries of course readings. The summaries are in a combination of textual and graphical knowledge map formats.
- Course Speaker Summaries: This section contains summaries of how speakers' viewpoints relate to Norman's 12 issues in Cognitive Science.
Birds of a Feather
Some other members of CPSC 679
Things That Excite My Neuronal Synapses
- Machine Intelligence
- Mobile Robotics Control
- Advanced Control Systems
- Fuzzy Logic Controllers
- Neural Networks
... what do you do when you meet this in a dark alley?
Here are some related links
Things That Make Me Sweat
- Volleyball
- Skiing
- Tennis
- Wing Chuin
- Mountain Biking
- Hiking
- Kayaking
- Spicy Foods
- Bedroom Eyes
Things I Do for Fun
- Star Trek
Lt. Cmd. Data

- Listen to Jazz, Blues, Reggae Music
- Chess
- Cook
Let me know what you think: email vlad@combdyn.com