Thanks and further enquiries

06 Jan 1995 08:33:11 -0500

Thanks to Devi, Hemant and Gwyneth who responded to my queries.

Devi, if I can take you up on your offers I would be interested
in the two pieces by Ravenette which you mentioned. Regarding
the piece on Honey's content analysis (my apologies, I didn't
realise you had written the recipe) I would find it useful if you
could work through step 2, for example, compute the formula using
the excerpt which you provided. This might also explain what you
meant by reversing the construct polarity.... I can understand
this in general terms, but could not figure out what this meant
in terms of the calculations. As a final comment/request, I find
it frustrating not being able to subscribe to all the diverse and
available newsletters which I find interesting, however, could
you enclose the subscription details for the EPCA newsletter.

I will have to thank you in anticipation as I will be away for
3 weeks and won't see any reply until very late January.
Although I will be away, I look forward to any assistance you can
Bob Green.
