Web posting policy

ams (Allan M Schiffman)
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 93 16:53:51 PST
From: ams (Allan M Schiffman)
Message-id: <9312140053.AA09912@eit.COM>
To: kevinh
Subject: Web posting policy
Cc: eit-www, harari
Your message today suggested that we have a meeting to discuss, among
other things:
	"the creation of a Web posting policy - some method
	 of defining whose [sic] approval must be asked
	 before certain information is put on the site."

I think the rule is, if it hasn't been "published" before in SOME
form,  material put on the web requires prior approval by Steve.

Section 14 ("Signoffs"), paragraph 2 of the EIT policy and procedures
statement require prior approval of the President and/or CEO for
"papers and/or articles".  Paragraph 1 of the section requires signoff
by the President for any "written document which solicits additional
work for EIT".

I'm sure there's no reason to make the policy for "publication" via
the web any less (or more) stringent than paper publication.
