Flight table


The Flight table will contain one record for every flight scheduled by Dairy Air. Once a flight has been completed, the record for that particular flight will be transferred to the FlightHistory database. Then, the instance (record) that was transferred to the FlightHistory database will be removed from the Flight table.


Field Name Key? Required? Data Type Range Description
Flight Number Yes Yes Integer >= 1 A unique, system-assigned number for each flight.
Departure Date Yes Yes Date Julien Calendar Date The date this flight will depart its departure location.
Plane Number No Yes Integer >= 1 The unique identifier number of the plane flying this flight.
Flight Time No Yes Real > 0 The length of the flight in hours and fractions thereof.
Ticket Price No Yes Currency > 0 Current cost of a ticket for this flight.
Ticket Insurance No Yes Currency > 0 Current price of ticket insurance for this flight.
Number of Passengers No No Integer > 0 < maximum number of seats on plane The number of passengers on board the plane when the flight departs.
Number Refunded No No Integer >= 0 Total number of passengers refunded for this flight
Total Booked No No Integer > 0 Total number of passengers booked on this flight
Total Revenue No No Currency > 0 Revenue generated by this flight.
Total Refunded No No Currency >= 0 Total money refunded from this flight.
Total Empty Seats No No Integer > 0 < maximum number of seats on plane Number of unfilled seats at time of departure.
Flight Cancelled? No Yes Boolean {True, False} Was the flight cancelled or not?

Dairy Air comments and questions are in blue emphasis

We are concerned with the use of a real data type to store flight time. We require that in the end user interface the flight time be in HH:MM format (HH - hours, MM - minutes); we are not concerned with its internal storage though. A decimal notation for time would require unnecessary and difficult calculations with possibility of error on the part of the user. ie. 1hr 25 mins = 1.416 hrs in decimal notation.

The Total Booked should be capped at +15% of maximum capacity of the aircraft.

Primary Key


Accessor Forms

The table below shows the forms that will access the Flight database, the authorized users of those forms, and the table access level.

Form Name Security Group Access Rights
Adding Flight Flight Schedulers Read/Add/Modify/Delete
Edit Flight Flight Schedulers Read/Add/Modify/Delete
Book a Ticket Booking Agent Read
Edit a Ticket Booking Agent Read

Security Settings

Security Group

Admin Access





System Admin






Flight Admin






Plane Admin          
Booking Agents