- Accelerated Learning Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba
- AdCom Communications, Toronto, Ontario
- John C. Ruby, Sales Manager, Telecom Systems Group
- Alberta Construction Safety Association, Edmonton, Alberta
- Don Toth, Executive Director
- Atlantis Aerospace Corporation, Brampton, Ontario
- Phil D'Eon, Director, Business Development
- BUNYIP Information Systems, Montreal, Quebec
- Dr. Peter Deutsch, President
- Canadian Centre for Creative Technology, Waterloo, Ontario
- Dr. Jack M. Pal, President, First Class Systems, Vancouver, B.C.
- K. F. Tongue, President
- Gemini Learning Systems Inc., Edmonton, Alberta
- Jade Simulations, Calgary, Alberta
- INFO J.E.D. Inc., Montréal, Québec
- JoAnne Duchastel, President
- Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), Toronto,
- Doug Knox, Chair, Education Committee
- Intercom, Ontario Consortium, Toronto, Canada
- Paul Hoffert, Executive Director
- LEARNeT Digital Communications, Edmonton, Alberta
- Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Ontario
- Q. B. (Jordan) Chou, Manager, Equipment and Systems Support Services
- David Y. W. Kwan, Supervising Design Engineer
- NOVA Corporation, Calgary, Alberta
- S. Robert Blair, Chairman Emeritus and Honorary Director
- NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd., Calgary, Alberta
- Eric Shelton, Vice President, Transportation Marketing
- Science World, Vancouver, B.C.
- Dr. David Vogt, Director of Science
- Smart Technologies, Calgary, Alberta
- TransCanada Pipelines, Calgary, Alberta
- Gonzalo Naranjo, Senior Manager, Telecommunication & Pipelines
- TRLabs, Edmonton, Alberta
- Dr. Michael Leung, Vice President, Business Development
- Undersea Research Ltd., Toronto, Ontario
- Dr. Joseph MacInnis, President
- University Technologies International, Calgary, Alberta
- Beverley Sheridan, President
- Western International Communications, Vancouver, B.C.
- Luther Haave, President, Home Theatre Division
- WurcNet, Edmonton, Alberta
- Dr. Larry Wilson, General Manager
- Banff Centre
- Douglas MacLeod, Program Director, Computer Applications &
- Concordia University
- Dr. Gary Boyd, Co-Director, Centre for Systems Research and Knowledge
- Laurentian University
- Dr. Osman Abou-Rabia, Director, Laurentian Centre of The McLeod Institute
of Simulation Sciences & Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer
- McGill University
- Dr. Alain Bruleux, Faculty of Education
- Professor Cynthia Leive, Head Librarian, Marvin Duchow Music Library
- Dr. Bruce Pennycock, Chair, Music Technology, Faculty of Music
- Dr. Wieslaw Woszczyk, Director, McGill Recording Studios &Member,
Board of Governors
- Memorial University, Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering
- Judith Whittick, V.P. Operations, Space Systems and Applications
- Dr. Stephen Goodman, Director, Space Systems and Applications
- Ryerson Polytechnic University
- Professor Darryl Williams, Academic Director, Rogers Communication
- Technical University of Nova Scotia
- Professor Thomas Emodi, Faculty of Architecture
- Professor Chris Quek, Faculty of Architecture
- University of Alberta
- Dr. George Fitzsimmons, Department of Educational Psychology
- University of Calgary, Technology Learning Research Network
- Dr. Timothy Buell, Communication Studies
- Dr. Jeff Caird, Department of Psychology
- Dr. Brian Gaines, Dr. Mildred Shaw, Dr. Saul Greenberg & Dr. Brian
Unger, Department of Computer Science
- Dr. James Graham, Co-Director, New Ventures Group, Faculty of Management
- Ken Hewitt, Director, CultureNet
- Dr. William Hunter, Education Technology Unit, Faculty of Education
- Dr. Larry Katz, Director, Computerized Sports System Group, Faculty of
Physical Education
- Dr. Hans Laue, Department of Physics
- Dr. Tom Keenan, Dean, Faculty of Continuing Education
- Professor Nancy Marlett, Director, Community Rehabilitation Studies
- Dr. Douglas Norrie, Director, Division of Manufacturing Engineering
&Calgary Centre of The McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences
- Dr. Lauran Sandals, Chair, Learning Development Research and Computer
Applications Program, Department of Educational Psychology
- Dr. Robert Schulz, Faculty of Management & Coordinator, Teaching
Development Office
- Dr. Janet Storch, Dean, Faculty of Nursing
- Professor Dale M. Taylor, Director, Architecture Program, Faculty of
Environmental Design
- Université Laval
- Dr. Marie-Michéle Boulet, Professeure titulaire, Departement
- University of Manitoba
- Gerry Miller, Chairman, CA*net & Director, Academic Computing
- Dr. Peter Loly, Department of Physics
- University of Ottawa
- Dr. Tuncer Oren, Director, Ottawa Centre of The McLeod Institute of
Simulation Sciences, Department of Computer Science
- University of Saskatchewan
- Dr. Gordon McCalla, Head, Department of Computational Science
- Dr. Jim Greer, Department of Computational Science
- University of Toronto
- Professor John Danahy, Director, Centre for Landscape Research
- Professor Steven Fong, Director, Cooperative Research Initiatives in
Architecture (CRIA)
- Professor Isabell Hoffman, Director, Information Technology Design Centre
- Dr. Anne Tyrie, Director, Industry Support, Information Technology
Research Centre
- Dr. Kim Veltman, Director, Perspective Unit, McLuhan Program in Culture
and Technology
- Professor Robert M. Wright, Head of Special Projects, Centre for Landscape
- University of Victoria
- Dr. David Godfrey, Department of Writing
- York University
- Dr. Jerome Durlak, Director, Interactive Media Lab
- Paul Hoffert, Director, Cultech
- Dr. David Johnston, Management Science Area, Faculty of Administrative
- Dr. Ronald Owston, Director, Centre for the Study of Computers in
- Alberta Research Council
- Dr. Aldo Dagnino, Program Manager, Intelligent Manufacturing Initiative
- Keith Chrystall, Program Manager, Process Automation and Robotics
- Dr. Marlene Jones, Program Leader, Advanced Media and Learning
- Canadian Space Agency, Montréal
- Dr. Karl Doetsch, Acting President
- Dr. Ann I. Logan, Manager , MSS Training
- Dr. Alain Poirier, Acting Director, Strategic Development
- Centre d'Innovation en Technologies de L'Information (Montréal),
Industry Canada
- Michael Century, Program Head, Networked Cultural Information Systems
& Pan-Canadian Network of Research Centres
- Department of National Defence
- Dr. Lloyd A. White, Director, Research and Development, Human Performance,
Research and Development Branch, National Defence Headquarters (Ottawa)
- Human Resources and Development Canada
- Gay Richardson, Director, Policy and Program Analysis, Strategic Policy
(NHQ, Ottawa)
- Helen Sadowski, Regional Manager, Worker Programs
- Industry Canada
- Mary Frances Laughton, Manager, Information Research Management, National
Strategy for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (Ottawa)
- Statistics Canada
- Pierre-Paul Bellerose, Chief, Electronic Products, Dissemination Division
- Maria Parij, Dissemination Division (Ottawa)
of Calgary Page,
LINCS@acs.ucalgary.ca 1-Sep-94