Dr. H. Desai

STEAD G (STEAD-G@pelican.vista.ac.za)
Tue, 13 Sep 1994 12:01:07 GMT+2

Dear Dr. Hemant Desai
Thanks for your message re references, but my network is battling to
link up with the USA although we do connect with most countries,
e.g., the UK. My e-mail is Stead-g@pelican.vista.ac.za Perhaps you
can reach me directly on e-mail, but I doubt it. Regards, Graham

| Graham B. Stead, Ph.D. |
| Department of Psychology, Vista University, Pvt. Bag X613, |
| Port Elizabeth 6000 SOUTH AFRICA |
| Tel : +27 41-644200 |
| Fax : +27 41-642859 |
| E-Mail: Stead-G@Pelican.Vista.ac.za |