Re: offer of paper re constructivist/ constructionist
Fabio Ferrari (
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 10:12:10 +0100
At 07.52 20/02/96 +0100, you wrote:
>>I have enjoyed very much the current disccussion. It brought to mind
>>an informal essay I am reading later this afternoon at the Southern
>>Humanities Conference entitled "Symbolic Place: An Informal Essay in
>>Social and Personal Construction." It is a loose, suggestive piece,
>>but it relates to some of the issues you have been discussing.
>> If anyone wishes a copy, I will be glad to e-mail it.
>>Best wishes,
>> Rick Clewett
>> Eastern Kentucky University
>I would like to receive a copy of that paper.
>Thanks a lot in advance.
>Best wishes.
>Alfredo Bezzi
>Alfredo Bezzi
>Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
>University of Genova
>Viale Benedetto XV, 5 - 16132 Genova - Italy
>phone: ++39 10 3538302 fax: ++39 10 352169 e-mail:
I'm Fabio Ferrari and I work as a psychologist of the Institute for
Educational Technologies (CNR Genova). I would wish to have, if possible, a
copy of paper above-stated.
Best regards
Fabio Ferrari tel: +39 10 6475323
Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche fax: 6475300
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via De Marini, 6
Torre di Francia
16149 GENOVA - ITALY e-mail: