PCP1996Q1 by subject
Starting: Wed 10 Jan 1996 - 08:08:24 MDT
Ending: Sun 31 Mar 1996 - 00:00:-10871 MDT
Messages: 431
- "Torture" Chambers
- (no subject)
- 1996 Australasian PCP Conference
- aaargh!
- About all this conflict
- Advancing truth claims in pcp
- Alternative Construals
- analysis of rep. grids
- Answer to Cromwell
- Anyone home?
- APA exchange and romanticism
- APA panel on constructivism, social constructionism and human nature
- APA panel on constructivism, social constructionism,
- APA panel on constructivism, social constructionism, and
- APA panel on constructivism, social constructionism, and human nature
- applications
- Asymmetry in Causation (fwd)
- Being, Becoming, and Corresponding Regressions
- Beverley Walker is Lost
- Bill
- Bill and Magnus
- Bill Chambers on factor analysis
- Bill's gauntlet
- Bob Smells the Roses
- Book reviewing opportunity - REDUX
- Burnout
- Causation and Construction
- Challenge to Bob
- Change of my e-mail address
- Change, Threat and the Mutable Self
- Classical romance
- Clearing the Air
- Cognition and constructionism
- Cognition,constructionism & DOWN-UP
- Common Ground: Abstraction vs Construction
- Concerning Social Validation
- construct weaving
- constructionism and organisations
- Constructivism in Psychotherapy Congress
- Constructivism, truth, and lies
- Constructs and constructions
- Copy of: Driving While Impaired Treatment/Education
- Correlation, Causation & Dr. Barnum
- Corresponding Regressions
- Corrupted file
- Counselling Psychology event
- Couple and Sexual Psychotherapies.
- Creating the Future (Debate thread)
- Current Marital Study
- Cushman's book - a review
- Cushman's Postmodernism
- Death Threat & Community of Selves
- Debate: What happened to Geroge Kelly?
- Decision making
- desperately seeking net
- Dilated Series Grid
- Distances and Ingrid
- e-mail Address for David Winter
- Each Angel its Own Species
- elaboration and mandala grid
- Elaboration and the BandWagon
- EPCA Conference
- EPCA conference and international conference & ftp!
- Factor analysis
- Flames
- footnote to Bill's factor discussion
- Form of Efficient Cause
- formal causation
- Formal cause, Superordinacy, & the Mandala
- formal causes
- Greetings
- Greetings & Introduction
- Grid analysis
- Grid data input & analysis
- Grid Reflection
- Grid Software
- Group Psychological Abuse Scale
- harassment
- Harassment on the Mailbase
- Help for student
- Help-Transaction analysis
- Hemant Desai address (delete)
- Hemant Desai and NAPCN News
- Hemant's posting
- hiatus
- How to handle a bully
- Impact of CHANGE
- independent scholarship
- individuality
- individuality:Dr. Huffman
- Insanity Plea
- Int. Assocn. for Forensic Psychotherapy (and lies!)
- International Congress 2001
- interpersonal construing
- Intro and grid advice
- Intro and requests
- introducing myself
- introduction and request
- Introduction and request for advice
- Introduction and request for advice (fwd)
- Introductions
- Invitation to Bob (attaching file)
- Is there content in this discussion?
- Is there content in this discussion? (IMPORTANT)
- John1305 on George Kelly's work
- just testing - please ignore this message
- Legacy of the Kelly Cult
- Level Playing Field
- Lies, Contradictions and the Compass Grid
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Role Playing
- listme
- listserv of JCP contents
- Logical but Loose (fuzzy) Euclidean Distances
- Lois: Try Harder
- looking for Reid Klion
- lots of things
- lying and ethics
- Lying through a constructivist lens
- Lying through an animal lens
- Mary Includes Her Archetypes
- measuring formal causes among constructs
- Message for Chris Evans
- Messing up www addresses
- Midlands Interest Group meeting
- Mob Rule
- Moral imperatives
- Multiple grids
- NAPCN 96 Conference
- NAPCN News
- No messages recently. Has PCP expired?
- No Subject
- nonverbal tapes
- Ode to Ideas
- offer of paper re constructivist/ constructionist
- offer of paper re constructivist/ constructionist discussion
- offer of paper re constructivist/ constructionist discussion
- offer of paper re constructivist/ constructionist discussion
- On the construction REINFORCEMENT
- Open letter to Bill Chambers
- pcp & religious faith - enquiry
- PCP and Careers Guidance
- pcp and grief counselling
- PCP Gaines Faith in Randomness
- PCP List (Important)
- PCP List censorship
- Potential debate
- Potential Debate (Level Playing Field)
- Pro/fusions of Practice
- Program for Corresponding Regressions
- Publishing on the InterNet
- Random Numbers and Ordination
- Randomness, Logic, & Integrative Complexity
- Rate This: Children Die from Time to Time
- Re. Bill - Need help
- RE: Cushman's book - a review
- RE: Individuality
- RE: International Congress 2001
- RE: Lies, Damn Lies, and Role Playing
- RE: Lying through a constructivist lens
- Re; Grid Analysis
- Re[2]: To Jim on Weaving
- reactions sought to key ideas from Cushman's new book
- Recent discussions
- references
- Regression
- rep grids & college students
- Rep. Grids and college experience
- Repgrids & college students
- Response to Bob Green
- response to Rue
- resume
- returned mail on interpersonal construing
- reviewing papers
- Romance
- Romance reference
- romanticism and constructivism
- Sample size etc.
- Sarbin note
- Scrutiny
- Sillyness
- sociology of PCP
- sorry!
- Sqrt(dead) (I don't like this header)
- Square Root of Eight Dead Children
- Stalemate or Peace
- Test
- test - please ignore
- Test from Wollongong
- test: ignore this
- The (Clinical) Point
- The continuing Debate
- The Core
- The Shunning: Kelly Cult Closes Ranks
- The thread, The gauntlet & My view
- Thread Headers & Referencing.
- Tim O'Connor
- To a Scholar
- To a Scholar (mandalas, etc.)
- To Big Daddy Raskin
- To Bill C. and Bob N.
- To Dr. Green and the Kelly Cult
- To Green: Value of Simulations etc.
- To Jim on Weaving
- To Lois
- To Lois on Construct Synthesis
- To Lois: Asymmetry in Causation
- To Magnus on Circumgrids
- truth
- Truth(s)
- Truth, lies, cults etc
- Truths about Lies (again)
- Truths about Lies about Lies
- two questions
- unsubscribe
- What one finds on WWW
- Where's the Beef?
- Women have Brains, Too
- www pages at uni of wollongong
Last message date: Sun 31 Mar 1996 - 00:00:-10871 MDT
Archived on: Thu May 09 1996 - 22:08:39 MDT
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.