Re: Live Chat
Cathye Griffin Betzel (
Thu, 29 May 1997 09:50:21 -0400
At 12:34 AM 5/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone on this list use IRC (Internet Relay Chat) software? If so I
>would very much like to start a PCP discussion room someplace, this wuld
>be a place where we could all air our thoughts much like we do here, but
>we would not have to wait for a response, it would be nearly immediate.
>Not to take away from this list, which is the last thing I want to do, but
>rather to add one more medium in which we can have our discussions. This
>would be a chance to be spontaneous and let our discussions wander where
>they may. This would be a place appropriate for a different kind of
>discussion than is the listserv and if anyone is interested please reply
>to either the listserv or to me, and if you have a server preference
>please include that as well,
>Thanks in advance,
> Jason McCray
A chat forum for PCP sounds like a great idea. I use ICQ software
which is a free download. Here is the URL if you want to check it out.
>>If you have Windows 95, Windows NT 4 or Windows 3.x:<BR><BR>
>><A HREF="">
>>Click here to download ICQ<BR>
Cathye Griffin Betzel
University Counseling Center
Virginia Tech
152 Henderson Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24041
"You can't wring your hands
and roll up your sleeves
at the same time."
Pat Shroeder