>Goodness knows what is going on here! I got one message from Helen to
>which I have not yet replied. That "no message received" was in response =
>one that came over which had no message on it.
>Shall we call it a day?
>Fay Fransella
Hi Fay,
I'm a professor at SDSU. The message that 'did not make it' may have been
mine. I was using a compuserve address someone had given me for your e-mail.
I got mixed signals that it had gone through but also bounced back. I'm
not high-tech enough to figure that one out!!! Anyway, my message concerned
a book you had co-authored with Laurie Thomas. I called Routledge publisher
and they did not have the title listed. It is Experimenting with Personal
Construct Theory. I was wondering if there is anyway to presently obtain
this book.
I also wanted to mention that I signed up for your workshop at Seattle. I'm
looking forward to meeting you. I first became acquainted with your work
when I read your and Bannister's book on the Repgrid.
John V. Jones, Jr.
South Dakota State University
Wenona Hall - Box 507
Brookings, SD 57007-0095
(605) 688-5084
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>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 12:37:36 -0400
>From: Fransella-Hodson <100304.2275@compuserve.com>
>Subject: RE: Research Assistance : Academic Supervisiors.
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