I've been reading some of the responses you have been getting. I am
working on a dissertation also and have been asking similar questions. My
department is quantitatively oriented so they are asking me to include
quantitative measures, in addition to the qualitative issues that I began
with. Just the reverse situation that you
I was remembering from your "introduction" that you had been doing some
work with Dr. Winter. My dissertation involves construct systems of
schizophrenics. I am interested in finding out more details of his
research that led him to the conclusion that schizophrenics' construing
with elicited constructs is more organized than the Bannister research
using supplied constructs suggested. All I can find is this statement in
the Dunnett book, but without the supporting research. Can you lead me to
this reference, or put me in touch with Dr. Winter (preferably via E-Mail).
I'm also interested in finding out where I can order his book in the UK, as
it is not available in the U.S.
Thanks!, and good luck with your research. Let the mailbase group know
which way you are going with your design when you have time.
Rob Adelman
Texas A&M - Commerce
> From: Kathleen Molloy <m0063b00@email.mcmail.com>
> To: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
> Subject: Help!!!
> Date: Monday, October 13, 1997 5:48 AM
> Dear all,
> I am currently working on my dissertation which aims to investigate
> nurses constructs of dementia. Within this I am also looking for
> answers to specific questions, such as the diff between males and
> female nurses, between male and female patients and reportings of
> aggression. I have begun interviewing and found that some nurses 1st
> principal component is based on sociability, whilst for others it is
> aggression. I then thought that maybe this was a result of the
> presonality of the nurses, and am now administering EPQs too.
> My problem lies in my methods of analysis. I am using Flexigrid. My
> supervisor says that dissertations should either be qualitative or
> quantitive, and I am unsure if rep grid work usually has hypotheses
> and inferential stats. He says that it's up to me to decide how to
> write up the work.
> What do you all think?
> If you need any further info I will be happy to discuss it.
> Kathy