PCP1997Q4 by subject
Starting: Wed 01 Oct 1997 - 09:45:44 MST
Ending: Sat 20 Dec 1997 - 00:04:51 MST
Messages: 128
- (DPD)
- (no subject)
- 1998 Australasian PCP conference
- 1998 NAPCN Membership Information
- 98 Australasian Conference
- [Core construing and Cushman's concept of the empty
- Abstract on Cushman & core construing
- Address conundrum
- admin message about the list
- admin: list archives and thanks to Malcolm
- Apologies
- Articles
- Australasian PCP conference details
- Burr & Butt
- Business Applications of Repertory Grid
- Butt & Burr
- chronic/terminal illness
- clinical vs statistical validity
- Constructivist Chronicle
- Construing critical incidents
- Core construing and Cushman's concept of the empty self
- EPCA Conference
- EPCA Conference - Call for Papers
- EPCA Conference - Correction
- Evaluation of PCP
- Golden Section
- Grids
- Grounded Theory Methodology
- Grounded Theory Methodology & PCP
- Help - Anybody in Edinburgh
- Help!!!
- Help!!! Bob
- isp crash/lost mail
- joining group
- Journal of Analytical Psychology
- money and mind
- NAPCN98 Call for Papers
- New PCT Website
- Other servers
- PCP/Technology
- Preservice Teachers
- Professional socialisation of nurses
- Psychotherapy Process Research
- re Help
- RE: chronic/terminal illness
- RE: Butt & Burr
- RE: Grounded Theory Methodology
- RE: Grounded Theory Methodology & PCP
- RE: Other servers
- Re[2]: Help - Anybody in Edinburgh
- Rejoining
- RepGrid
- Research for Chat Room
- RV: Constructos de estudiantes
- Student's constructs
- suggestions for software
- suggestions for software?
- Tom Ravenette Book
- Two apologies
- UK academics only: IBSS ONLINE data from 1951 on WWW
- wollongong email addresses
- Would like to speak at 1998 Australasian PCP conference
Last message date: Sat 20 Dec 1997 - 00:04:51 MST
Archived on: Thu Jan 01 1998 - 22:16:59 MST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.