Constructivism in Psychology and the Human Sciences: Theory,
Application, and Future
The 1998 Biennial Conference of the North American Personal Construct
Network (NAPCN98)
July 9-11, 1998 (with pre-conference workshops on July 8)
on the campus of the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Submissions related to constructivist concepts and applications
throughout psychology and the human sciences are welcomed.=20
Presentations of any format will be considered (e.g., paper, poster,
symposium, video demo, computer demo, or workshop). Sessions lengths
will vary according to the mixture of accepted presentations;
submissions should be oriented toward 30, 60, or 90 minute sessions.=20
All proposal submissions must be in English. Proposals are due no
later than March 15, 1998.
Submissions should conform to the following guidelines:
1) Names and affiliations of all authors
2) Full address (including mail address, e-mail address, telephone
numbers, and fax numbers) of corresponding author
3) Presentation format (paper, poster, symposium, video demo, computer
demo, or workshop)
4) Presentation length (30, 60, or 90 minutes)=20
5) Equipment required (overhead projector, slide projector, TVCR,
6) Title of proposed presentation
7) Abstract (50 words or less)
8) Proposal text (2000 words or less)
Three submission options are available:
(A) Web site submission: Persons with access to the world wide web may
wish to submit proposal via a form that can be found at
(B) E-mail submission: Proposals can be e-mailed directly to the
conference host and organizer, Kenneth Sewell. The e-mail address is
(C) Regular mail submission: Proposals can be mailed directly to
Kenneth Sewell at the following address:=20
Kenneth Sewell, Ph.D.
University of North Texas
Department of Psychology
P.O. Box 311280
Denton, TX 76203-1280
Persons choosing regular mail submission are asked to include a
printed copy of the proposal information, as well as a 3.5* (PC or
Macintosh) disk containing a text (ASCII) file of the proposal.
*Constructivism in Psychology and the Human Sciences: Theory,
Application, and Future* will continue the traditions of the previous
NAPCN conferences to further explore and elaborate constructivism,
personal construct psychology, and related ideas. Theorists and
practitioners identifying with constructivist compatible perspectives
such as narrative discourse, postmodernity, personal construct
psychology, social constructionism, self-organization, and other
frameworks based on the idea that realities are constructed rather
than discovered, are encouraged to join this gathering. This goal
will permit discourse among people who want greater possibilities for
constructive change.
Hosted by the University of North Texas (UNT) Department of Psychology
in cooperation with UNT Women*s Studies, the format for this gathering
will be designed to facilitate the exploration of theory, research,
and professional practice framed by constructivist perspectives. As
in previous NAPCN conferences, the format will include plenary
sessions, paper sessions, symposia, workshops, and other formal means
of sharing ideas. There will frequently be multiple concurrent
sessions. Continuing education credits will be available for the
conference program itself (UNT-sanctioned CE credits) as well as for
pre conference workshops (APA and NBCC credits). Opportunities for
informal social gatherings will abound, along with refreshment breaks,
special social events, and a somewhat un-traditional gala banquet.
This exciting conference and the accompanying pre-conference workshops
will take place in the University Union Building on the attractive
campus of the University of North Texas. UNT is easily accessible to
travellers, about 25 miles north of Dallas-Fort Worth International
Airport and 35 miles north of Dallas Love Field. Conference
participants can lodge very inexpensively on-campus, or in nearby
hotels. The University of North Texas campus offers a wide range of
services such as restaurants, bookstore, and billiard parlor; yet more
restaurants, bars, and shops are 2-3 blocks away in the Fry Street
district adjacent to campus.
Scheduled keynote speakers for the conference include:
Maureen O*Hara, Ph.D., feminist theorist and author of *Contructing
Emancipatory Realities*
Topic: Constructivism in Feminist Psychotherapies
Michael J. Mahoney, Ph.D., author of *Human Change Processes*
Topic: Constructivism Throughout Human Science: Psychotherapy,
Chaos, and Other Frontiers
Rue L. Cromwell, Ph.D., *author/editor of Schizophrenia: Origins,
Processes, Treatment, and Outcome
Topic: A Tale of Two Stimuli: An Integrated Constructivist
Theory of Psychopathology
Pre-conference workshops (July 8) will include:
*Constructivist Psychotherapy* by Michael J. Mahoney, Ph.D.
*Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss* by Robert A.
Neimeyer, Ph.D.
For further information about the conference, registration, workshops,
keynote speakers, conference venue, lodging, travel, et cetera, visit
the conference web page at