RV: differentiation
Lluis Botella Garcia del Cid (LluisBG@blanquerna.url.es)
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:17:55 +0100
> Dear Frauke
> The percentage of variance accounted for by the first factor (PVAFF),
> even if widely used and cited in the Grid literature, may not be a
> particularly sound index of either differentiation, integration, or
> general complexity. In a forthcoming paper at the Journal of
> Constuctivist Psychology (see reference at the end of the message) we
> explored a new mathematical procedure for computing both dimensions of
> compelxity (i.e., integration and differenctiation). As a means to
> show the predictive validity of our new measures, we compared
> traditional ones (including the PVAFF) in a group of experts and
> novices in the knowledge domain "psychotherapy". The PVAFF behave in
> an unpredictable and inconsistent way, being low in some novices and
> high in some experts. You may find it useful to look at the paper when
> it is published (hopefully soon, since it's been already accepted),
> since it includes a detailed discussion of traditional measures of
> grid complexity, as well as a step by step mathematical description of
> our method, and the study I mentioned before.
> In the meantime, good luck with your research. In terms of complexity
> indexes wonders never cease!
> Reference:
> Gallifa, J., and Botella, L. (in press). The Structural Quadrants
> Method: A New Approach to the Assessment of Construct System
> Complexity via the Repertory Grid. Journal of Constructivist
> Psychology. (forthcoming).
> Yours,
> Luis Botella, Ph.D.
> Department of Psychology
> Ramon Llull University
> Cister 24-34
> 08022-Barcelona
> Phone: 34-93-253 30 00
> Fax: 34-93-253 30 31
> E-mail: LluisBG@blanquerna.url.es
> ----------
> De: meibeyer[SMTP:meibeyer@rz.uni-hildesheim.de]
> Responder a: meibeyer@rz.uni-hildesheim.de
> Enviado el: viernes 16 de octubre de 1998 20:58
> Para: pcp@mailbase.ac.uk
> Asunto: differentiation
> I´ve investigated how student teachers and experienced teachers
> construe
> pupils´ disruptive behavior in the classroom and if the students´
> constructions change in the course of a six-week training programme.
> Using the percentage of total variation accounted for by the first
> factor as a measure of differentiation I found that the students´
> grids
> were less differentiated after the training programme (on the second
> time I used the same constructs and the same elements the students
> had produced in their first grid).
> (A second group of students who had not participated at the training
> programme showed no change in the course of that time; the grids of
> the experienced teachers were more differentiated than those of the
> students, as I had expected.)
> Now I am looking for other studies which used the same measure of
> differentiation to investigate changes in personal constructions
> and some literature about the theoretical meaning of cognitive
> differentiation in the context of personal construct theory.
> I wonder how to explain the decreasing differentiation in the grids of
> the students.
> Can anybody help?
> Thanks and with kind regards,
> Frauke Meibeyer
> --
> Dipl.-Psych. Frauke Meibeyer
> Institut für Psychologie
> Marienburger Platz 22
> 31141 Hildesheim
> Tel. 05121/883149