Re: An Inroduction
moran (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 21:27:47 +0100
> From: Ric Hoogestraat <>
> To: Personal Construct Psych listserv <>
> Subject: An Inroduction
> Date: 16 October 1998 06:14
> Greetings All,
> I'm new to this list and I'd like to take this opportunity to briefly
> introduce myself...
> I am a first year doctoral student in the Educational Psychology program
> at the University of Arizona in Tucson. For the past 20 years I have been
> a public school teacher, college-level computer faculty and instructional
> technologist and a corporate trainer. I returned to school, primarily to
> pursue my research interests of technology-enhanced instruction in a
> constructivist paradigm.
> I am currently enrolled in a grad level ed psych class dealing with
> motivation and development. I quite literally stumbled upon a *short*
> section in our text on personal constructs theory and George Kelly. There
> was "just something" about the concept of personal constructs which
> my attention. I have accumulated many journal articles and books on PCP.
> The more I read, the more I am finding myself drawn into a "buy in" of
> this psychology!
> Anyway...sorry for rambling. I will be lurking here for a while, quietly
> observing. If anyone has any advice or recommendations for me, I'd
> certainly appreciate it - especially as it relates to technology-enhanced
> learning and cognition using the "constructs" of PCP.
> Thanks,
> Ric
> ____ ____ __________________________________
> __ \ / __ Ric Hoogestraat
> \ | || | / Educational Psychology
> || E || D || University of Arizona
> \ \_/ \_/ /
> \_/||\_/
> ||
> _____ /__\ _______________________________________________
> "Rejecting the null hypothesis means refusing the granola"