> "We are forced to express ourselves in words, and we think, most often, in
> space. To put it another way, language compels us to establish between our
> ideas the same clear and precise distinctions, and the same break in
> continuity, as between material objects."
> ---Henri Bergson---
> "What we ordinarily call a fact is not reality such as it would appear to
> an immediate intuition, but an adaptation of reality to practical interests
> and the demands of social life." ("Matiere et Memoire", page 201.)
> ---Herni Bergson
Well, i'd like to know: are there some of these groups i may become part of,
on the network?
And more: Do you think this would be useful to people who often are unable to
explain in words their ideas?
Can everyone join to this groups?
If someone can give me information about this, i'd be grateful.