So far I only know of Linda Viney's article -
Viney, L.L., Truneckova, D., Weekes, P., and Oades, L: "Personal Construct
Group Work with school-based adolescents: reduction of risk-taking."
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 10:167-186, 1997
The Niemeyer (comment from Manfred Straehle) sounds interesting but I
haven't read it - a more precise reference would be helpful?
My own background is as a frontline careers adviser with young people and
adults, who currently now teaches half time in a university, while
practising as a trainer and consultant the rest of my time. My interest in,
and use of, PCP as a very useful theory to suppport careers guidance, goes
back to 1976.
It may be of passing interest that I am currently experimenting with email
as a medium for delivering group work in careers guidance. I know there is
a lot of this in therapeutic groups ,especially self-help and in the USA,
but have never heard of any use in career guuidance or career counselling
(in groups, not 121).
Best wishes
Marcus Offer
27 Vale Way
Kings Worthy
SO23 7LL
tel 01962 885619
fax 01962 881411