R: Can pcp and neuroscience jointly help schizophrenics?
Massimo Giliberto (m.giliberto@ntt.it)
Wed, 02 Dec 1998 22:21:04 +0100
I'm sorry if I repeat arguments that, in other words, were treated by
others. But, in my opinion, the question is relevant to the epistemology
fondaments of pcp. What does "the possibility of an interface with
neuroscience" mean (Tony Downing)? Does it mean that it is possible, for
example, to explain my smile with neuronal activation? But this 'level'
don't explain my smile for my daughter. I believe with Maturana e Varela
that there are two separate level of knowledge, two distinct domain of
knowledge. It's not a question of being hostile to the medical model, but
rather of making a choise. An important consequence of this choice is that
I'm concerned with a person or with a presumes object that is called
'schizophrenia', 'depression' or 'brain damage'. They are two knowledge
domains which do not interconnect in an explicative sense. If I say, for
example, that Helen is depressed, or has brain damage, I don't say anything
about her. In psychology the sobject and the object of knowledge are the
same. Therefore, it is entirely the people who are able to explain the
phenomena and not the phenomena and that explain the people.
Massimo Giliberto
Massimo Giliberto
Centro di Psicologia e Psicoterapia Costruttivista
Via S. Lucia, 35 - 35139 Padova, Italy
Tel/fax +39 049 658268