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Dear John Mayes,
I feel that my comment about FLEXIGID V.6 in your latest email to me did =
not give my full impression of the package, so, just to put the record =
straight, here it is:-
FLEXIGRID V.6 may be a tad user-unfriendly, but it makes up for it in =
sheer utility/ingenuity. Persevering with it's logic pays off in terms =
of range of analyses, unique idiographic displays and highly relevant =
content on file. I have never regretted buying it and fully recommend =
That's all for now.
Sue Knight
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>
To: Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>
Date: 04 January 1999 21:14
Subject: Re: Qualitative Assessment of Psychiatric In-patients
Dear John Mayes,
I feel that my comment about FLEXIGID V.6 in your latest email to me =
did not give my full impression of the package, so, just to put the =
record straight, here it is:-
FLEXIGRID V.6 may be a tad user-unfriendly, but it makes up for it =
in sheer utility/ingenuity. Persevering with it's logic pays off in =
terms of range of analyses, unique idiographic displays and highly =
relevant content on file. I have never regretted buying it and fully =
recommend it.
That's all for now.
Sue Knight
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>
To: John Mayes <john@EnquireWithin.co.nz>
Date: 01 January 1999 18:18
Subject: Re: Qualitative Assessment of Psychiatric In-patients
-----Original Message-----
From: John Mayes <john@EnquireWithin.co.nz>
To: sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>
Date: 31 December 1998 00:35
Subject: Qualitative Assessment of Psychiatric In-patients
Dear John Mayes
Thank you for pointing me to your interesting Enquire Within =
The copy I have downloaded looks very logical and =
state-of-the-art (far more so than Tschudi's FLEXIGID V.6, which I =
currently use). I can see how it clarifies the interview process.
When I'm up to speed on it, I'll check with my boss if he is =
prepared to depart with NHS funds so that I might have a full copy.
Meantime, thanks once again, and Happy New Year to you also!
Sue Knight
Dear Susan Knight
You may wish to check out Enquire Within, a software =
application of the Repertory Grid Interview which would help with the =
application of PCT to items a, c, d and e of your brief. Enquire Within =
comes with comprehensive documentation and worked examples which would =
assist you to get up to speed fairly quickly.
Enquire Within and it's documentation is a joint endeavour =
by Dr Valerie Stewart, authour of `Business Applications of Repertory =
Grid' and myself to make the Repertory Grid Interview more widely =
accessible than hitherto. An evaluation copy is available for =
downloading at our website <http://www.EnquireWithin.co.nz> along with =
the first seven chapters of `Business Applications of Repertory Grid', =
work books, hints for the use of Repertory Grid and other information =
about applications.
We are preparing an additional work book entitled `Helping =
Design a Questionnaire: Work Stressors' and may be able to advance it's =
completion should you have a particular need in this area. Information =
on workbooks is available at =
Dr Stewart is at presently in the United Kingdom should you =
wish to discuss this in more detail.
I hope that this helps.
Happy New Year
John Mayes
You wrote in part:
My boss wants me to assess:
a) how stressed the patients are on arrival;=20
b) what type of treatment they are currently recieving (as =
far as I know they receive basic CPN attention, pharmacotherapy and - if =
no improvement is apparent - ECT. But I digress);=20
c) how patients perceive their treatment;=20
d) how the staff perceive the treatment they offer to the =
patients; and=20
e) how stressed the patients are when they are discharged =
from the ward.
John Mayes
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------=_NextPart_000_0058_01BE3827.9EFCCC00-- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-----Original = Message-----
From:=20 Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>To:=20 Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>Date:=20 04 January 1999 21:14
Subject: Re: Qualitative = Assessment of=20 Psychiatric In-patientsDear John Mayes,I feel that my comment about FLEXIGID V.6 in = your latest=20 email to me did not give my full impression of the package, so, just = to put=20 the record straight, here it is:-FLEXIGRID V.6 may be a tad user-unfriendly, but = it makes=20 up for it in sheer utility/ingenuity. Persevering with it's logic = pays off=20 in terms of range of analyses, unique idiographic displays and = highly=20 relevant content on file. I have never regretted buying it and fully = recommend it.That's all for now.Sue Knight-----Original=20 Message-----
From: Susan Knight <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>To:=20 John Mayes <john@EnquireWithin.co.nz>=
Date:=20 01 January 1999 18:18
Subject: Re: Qualitative = Assessment=20 of Psychiatric In-patients-----Original=20 Message-----
From: John Mayes <john@EnquireWithin.co.nz>=
To:=20 sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk=20 <sue.knight@zetnet.co.uk>Date:=20 31 December 1998 00:35
Subject: Qualitative = Assessment=20 of Psychiatric In-patientsDear John = MayesThank you for pointing me = to your=20 interesting Enquire Within software.The copy I have downloaded = looks very=20 logical and state-of-the-art (far more so than Tschudi's = FLEXIGID=20 V.6, which I currently use). I can see how it clarifies the=20 interview process.When I'm up to speed on it, I'll check = with my=20 boss if he is prepared to depart with NHS funds so that I = might have=20 a full copy.Meantime, thanks once again, and Happy = New Year to=20 you also!Sue KnightDear = Susan=20 Knight
You may wish to check out Enquire Within, a = software=20 application of the Repertory Grid Interview which would help = with=20 the application of PCT to items a, c, d and e of your brief. = Enquire=20 Within comes with comprehensive documentation and worked = examples=20 which would assist you to get up to speed fairly=20 quickly.
Enquire Within and it's documentation is a = joint=20 endeavour by Dr Valerie Stewart, authour of `Business=20 Applications of Repertory Grid' and myself to make the = Repertory=20 Grid Interview more widely accessible than hitherto. An = evaluation=20 copy is available for downloading at our website=20 <http://www.EnquireWithin.co.nz> along with the first = seven=20 chapters of `Business Applications of Repertory = Grid', work=20 books, hints for the use of Repertory Grid and other = information=20 about applications.
We are preparing an additional = work book=20 entitled `Helping Design a Questionnaire: Work = Stressors' and=20 may be able to advance it's completion should you have a = particular=20 need in this area. Information on workbooks is available at=20 = <http://www.EnquireWithin.co.nz/workbook.htm>
Dr=20 Stewart is at presently in the United Kingdom should you = wish to=20 discuss this in more detail.
I hope that this=20 helps.
Happy New Year
John=20 = Mayes
You=20 wrote in part:
My boss wants me to = assess:
a) how=20 stressed the patients are on arrival;
b) what type of = treatment=20 they are currently recieving (as far as I know they receive = basic=20 CPN attention, pharmacotherapy and - if no improvement is = apparent -=20 ECT. But I digress);
c) how patients perceive their = treatment;=20
d) how the staff perceive the treatment they offer to = the=20 patients; and
e) how stressed the patients are when they = are=20 discharged from the=20 ward.
John=20 = Mayes
<http://www.EnquireWithin= .co.nz>=20