NtLern 4 3 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 4 3 Need to learn more
Copyng 2 5 2 3 3 4 1 3 2 3 2 2 4 2 Lots of copying to do
NotExp 1 4 5 4 4 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 3 3 teacher explains badly
Boring 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 2 1 4 2 Boring
Compli 3 4 5 4 5 4 1 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 Complicated
StuTea 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 5 2 3 4 1 4 3 Stupid Teacher
Intrst 5 5 5 3 1 2 5 3 5 2 5 4 3 4 interesting
NicTea 5 1 3 5 3 5 5 1 3 1 2 5 2 2 Nice teacher
Fun 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 5 3 5 5 4 4 Fun
MeaTea 2 5 4 2 4 2 1 5 4 5 3 1 4 3 Mean Teacher
Creatv 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 4 Creative
EsyLrn 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 Easy to learn
Reward 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 5 1 2 4 1 4 Rewarding
GoodAt 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 5 3 3 5 3 4 Good at this subject
| |
| Analysis of a Decision Grid named Form 1 School Subjects Completed by |
| Sally Legg on 01-22-1987 . The grid was formed by evaluating 14 |
| Subjects in terms of 14 Factors using a 70 % significance factor. |
| |
| Option Required SAVE
|____________________| 1 |-----------------------------|
| Adjust Parameters |
2 |-----------------------------|______|
| Enter Factors |
3 |----------------------------------------------------------------|
| Analyse Grid The analysis gives the |
4 |----------------------------| following information: |
| Plot Loadings | a) Summary of Scores |
| | b) Similarities |
| Horizontal Component | c) Component Analysis |
| Vertical Component | d) Percent Contribution to Components |
|---------------------------------| e) Plot of Major Dimensions |
| Grid Name [.txt] GRID22.TXT |__________________________________________|
|SECTION 1: Summary of scores for Factors |
| Average Percentage|
| Score Variation Variation|
| Interpretation || NtLern 2.64 13.21 3.81 |
| The Factor which discriminates || Copyng 2.71 14.86 4.29 |
| most between the Subjects is || NotExp 3.00 22.00 6.35 |
| Boring followed by Fun & Nice || Boring 3.57 39.43 11.38 |
| teacher . Little discrimination || Compli 3.14 21.71 6.27 |
| between the Subjects was exhibited || StuTea 2.50 29.50 8.52 |
| in terms of Good at this subject || Intrst 3.71 24.86 7.18 |
| & Easy to learn || NicTea 3.07 34.93 10.08 |
| || Fun 2.93 38.93 11.24 |
| || MeaTea 3.21 26.36 7.61 |
|_____________________________________|| Creatv 2.00 30.00 8.66 |
| EsyLrn 2.00 12.00 3.46 |
| Reward 2.36 29.21 8.43 |
| GoodAt 3.43 9.43 2.72 |
| |
| |
| |
|SECTION 2: Summary of Scores for Subjects |
| Percentage |
| Totals Variation |
| Interpretation || Englsh 3.71 6.96 |
| The Subjects for which the || Music 4.71 7.70 |
| strongest responses were given in || Maths 1.71 5.68 |
| terms of Factors is Physical || Social -2.29 4.98 |
| Education , followed by Health & || Scienc -0.29 7.62 |
| Art . This does not mean that || Classi -2.29 6.63 |
| these Subjects are necessarily the || PhysEd -7.29 13.56 |
| most important but they are the || Relign -2.29 8.28 |
| ones that Sally Legg feels most || Health 5.71 10.80 |
| strongly about. || Drama -2.29 5.27 |
|_____________________________________|| Comput 2.71 4.20 |
| Art -4.29 9.89 |
| Cookng 1.71 4.07 |
| Sewing 0.71 4.36 |
| |
| |
| |
|SECTION 3: Similarities between Factors |
| Boring -90 -26 51 -88 -80 51 67 61 48 -53 23 -32 09|
| Fun 06 -34 69 70 -51 -51 -58 -24 51 -16 32 -05|
| NicTea -90 33 47 -61 -38 -04 -31 08 -48 -15 10|
| MeaTea -47 -53 71 50 23 33 -20 41 14 06|
| NOTE: Values Reward 83 -43 -65 -62 -62 61 -53 44 -11|
| range from +99 to GoodAt -62 -53 -48 -35 44 -54 48 09|
| -99 with +99 meaning NotExp 33 59 23 -13 27 -08 -18|
| identical, 0 meaning no Copyng 48 33 -42 29 -05 -22|
| relationship and -99 meaning Compli 57 -23 12 -20 -25|
| opposites. With 70 giving NtLern -24 23 00 -08|
| significance. Intrst -59 55 12|
| StuTea -27 -05|
| The most highly positively related Creatv 21|
| Factors are Good at this subject & EsyLrn|
| Rewarding . This means that the Subjects |
| that have high Good at this subject are also |
| high on Rewarding & vice versa. The opposite |
| condition applies to Fun & Boring . |
|SECTION 4: Slater related inter-Subjects distances =PCA input |
| PhysEd 64 -53 -52 -36 -46 -32 -15 -29 -29 12 13 -04 -02|
| Art -37 -44 -23 -36 -23 -03 -13 -13 16 19 06 16|
| Scienc 28 30 06 25 28 42 39 -45 -07 04 -16|
| Relign 53 08 13 05 28 16 -33 -03 08 -23|
| NOTE: Values Drama 17 16 11 45 16 -19 10 17 -04|
| range from +99 to Music 29 08 21 -07 -12 11 07 -03|
| -99 with +99 meaning Maths 45 18 11 -23 00 14 05|
| identical, 0 meaning no Social 13 45 -24 -02 02 16|
| relationship and -99 meaning Cookng 25 -19 19 40 -03|
| opposites. With 70 giving Classi -37 -09 -02 05|
| significance. Health 44 14 05|
| Sewing 42 14|
| Comput 06|
| Englsh|
| |
| |
| |
| |
|SECTION 5: Underlying Components of the Grid. |
| |
| There are 13 components underlying the grid and their relative |
| importances are as follows: |
| 1 47.08 47.08 |
| 2 18.09 65.17 |
| 3 11.67 76.85 |
| 4 6.15 82.99 |
| 5 5.50 88.49 |
| SECTION 6: Component 1's Subjects that are [not=+/-] Factors |
| |
| PhysEd Physical Educati - 23.88 isn't Boring Boring + 20.53 |
| Art Art - 16.82 is Fun Fun - 15.73 |
| Health Health - 13.60 is Reward Rewarding - 15.22 |
| Scienc Science + 11.76 is MeaTea Mean Teacher + 7.05 |
| Relign Religion + 9.85 is NotExp teacher explains + 6.11 |
| Drama Drama + 4.48 isn't Intrst interesting - 6.02 |
| Sewing Sewing - 3.38 isn't Compli Complicated + 5.58 |
| Classi Classical Studie + 3.31 isn't NicTea Nice teacher - 5.08 |
| Music Music Lessons + 3.00 is StuTea Stupid Teacher + 5.01 |
| Maths Mathematics + 3.00 isn't GoodAt Good at this sub - 4.49 |
| Cookng Cooking + 2.96 is Copyng Lots of copying + 4.43 |
| Englsh English Literatu - 2.58 is Creatv Creative - 2.57 |
| Social Social Studies + 1.04 is NtLern Need to learn mo + 2.17 |
| Comput Computing - 0.34 is EsyLrn Easy to learn - 0.02 |
| |
etc., For all significant combinations |
| SECTION 7: Component 2's Subjects that are [not=+/-] Factors |
| |
| Classi Classical Studie + 19.06 is NicTea Nice teacher + 39.04 |
| Social Social Studies + 16.86 isn't MeaTea Mean Teacher - 19.95 |
| Health Health - 14.99 is Creatv Creative - 15.66 |
| Music Music Lessons - 10.69 is Fun Fun - 7.88 |
| Sewing Sewing - 8.87 is NotExp teacher explains - 4.96 |
| Comput Computing - 6.39 is Intrst interesting - 4.22 |
| Art Art + 6.25 isn't StuTea Stupid Teacher - 2.85 |
| PhysEd Physical Educati + 4.26 is Boring Boring + 2.69 |
| Englsh English Literatu + 3.27 is Compli Complicated + 1.46 |
| Relign Religion - 3.14 is Reward Rewarding - 0.97 |
| Drama Drama - 2.46 is NtLern Need to learn mo - 0.18 |
| Scienc Science + 2.09 isn't Copyng Lots of copying - 0.15 |
| Cookng Cooking - 1.11 isn't EsyLrn Easy to learn + 0.00 |
| Maths Mathematics + 0.56 isn't GoodAt Good at this sub - 0.00 |
| |
etc., For all significant combinations |
| SECTION 8: Component 3's Subjects that are [not=+/-] Factors |
| |
| Music Music Lessons + 25.53 isn't StuTea Stupid Teacher - 36.08 |
| Maths Mathematics + 18.13 is Creatv Creative + 18.80 |
| Englsh English Literatu + 13.55 is Intrst interesting + 16.46 |
| Cookng Cooking - 7.36 is Fun Fun - 8.70 |
| Relign Religion - 7.12 isn't Compli Complicated + 7.00 |
| Social Social Studies + 6.27 is Boring Boring + 5.79 |
| Drama Drama - 6.00 isn't NotExp teacher explains + 3.12 |
| Comput Computing - 3.46 isn't NicTea Nice teacher + 1.47 |
| PhysEd Physical Educati - 3.15 isn't EsyLrn Easy to learn + 0.64 |
| Art Art - 2.91 isn't Reward Rewarding + 0.53 |
| Classi Classical Studie - 2.33 isn't Copyng Lots of copying + 0.48 |
| Scienc Science - 2.08 isn't NtLern Need to learn mo + 0.37 |
| Health Health + 1.69 is MeaTea Mean Teacher + 0.32 |
| Sewing Sewing - 0.43 isn't GoodAt Good at this sub + 0.24 |
| |
etc., For all significant combinations |
|SECTION 9: % Contribution of Subjects & Factors to Components 1 & 2 |
| |
| Subjects % IMPORTANCE Factors % IMPORTANCE |
| Physical Education 18.44 Boring 15.58 |
| Health 13.99 Nice teacher 14.51 |
| Art 13.89 Fun 13.55 |
| Science 9.08 Rewarding 11.27 |
| Religion 7.99 Mean Teacher 10.64 |
| Classical Studies 7.69 Creative 6.21 |
| Social Studies 5.44 teacher explains badly 5.80 |
| Music Lessons 5.14 interesting 5.53 |
| Sewing 4.91 Complicated 4.44 |
| Drama 3.92 Stupid Teacher 4.41 |
| English Literature 2.78 Good at this subject 3.25 |
| Cooking 2.45 Lots of copying to do 3.24 |
| Mathematics 2.33 Need to learn more 1.62 |
| Computing 2.03 Easy to learn 0.02 |
| |
GRID22.TXT 01-22-1987 Form 1 School Subjects Sally Legg
| || 2 | |
| ||___| |
| *MeaTea. || *Creatv |
| || |
| || *Fun. |
| *NotExp. || *Intrst. |
| *StuTea || |
| || *Reward.|
|__________________*Copyng.ern _||____________*GoodAt.___________|
| | ------------ |*EsyLrn -------- |
| 1 | *Compli || |
|___*Boring. || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
press F3 or 0-9 or P/p
GRID22.TXT 01-22-1987 Form 1 School Subjects Sally Legg
MeaTea. Creatv
NotExp. || 2 | Health. |
| Music ||___| Intrst.
StuTea * || Sewing. Fun.
| Comput |
| || * |
| Relig Drama || * |
NtLern Cookng || Reward.
Copyng. || * |
|__________________*___*________||____________*__________________ GoodAt.
| | - - |* - |
| 1 | * Maths || EsyLrn
|___* || |
Boring. Scienc. || Englsh |
Compli || PhysEd.
| || Art. |
| || |
| || |
| Social. || |
|_________________ Classi.______||_____________*_________________|
press F3 or 0-9 or P/p
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|| ||| || || || || || || || ||
|| |||| || || || || || || 98 ||
|| || || || || || || || || ||
|| || || || || |||||||||| || || ||
|| || || || || |||| || || || || ||
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|| || ||| || || || || || || ||
|||||||||| || || |||||||||| || || |||||||||| ||||||||||
T H O U G H T P R O C E S S O R Ver. 8.d
| COPYRIGHT. 1979-1999 Jim Legg credits for published work |
| commercial royalties =1% net= $200k to Dr. Slater's estate |
| or else GNU licenced FREEWARE For development sub-licence |
| see the HELP URLs http://come.to/ingrid or |
| http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~income |
| 18 Domain Cres, Muriwai Beach |
| mailto: Waimauku R.D.1, Auckland |
| income@ihug.co.nz NEW ZEALAND 1250 ph/fax +649 4119699 |