>>Bob, and other interested people..
>> There is a book that was published in the early 50's -- Blake and
>>"The New Look In Perception," or some such. It was a book which
introduced me,
>>rather intensely, into the idea that one could describe persons in terms of
>>their cognitive systems -- that "perception IS personality."
I had a bit of a time tracking this one down, but it is
30. Blake, Robert R. & Ramsey, Glenn V.
Perception: An Approach to Personality. New York: The Ronald Press Company,
[1951]. 8vo. 1st dition. viii+442pp. Red cloth. A very good copy. (OP).
Inquire / Order $25.00
An order can still be made, apparently, through
> Korzybski (sic???) has a chapter in that book. If you can find it you
>get an introduction to the ideas of the general semanticists.
I'm off to the library today to get the chapter. I'm working on a reading
that starts with Kelly & Rotter's work in the 50's & this is just the kind of
background material that I need. Thanks for the lead!
Travis Gee
Lecturer, School of Psychology
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
+61 (2) 6773 2410