During this process I have wondering about the relevance of the Project
Cross-Impact matrix as discussed by Little. In rep grid terms, the impact
of one construct upon another (for each pair of constructs) is rated for
each element in turn. A 10x10 matrix is described as generating 90 paired
Total received-impact and impact-generated scores are described.
Question 1: how are these scores calculated?
Further, Little describes examining the cross-impact of one person's project
on another's. The terms he uses are: indices of mutual accord and friction.
Question 2: how are these indices calculated?
The application I envisage is a couple, who have generated constructs such
as happiness, communication, going out and spare time. The impact of
happiness on communication etc could be rated for each paired comparison; by
each person. Then the ratings by each person could be compared.
I would appreciate advice from anyone who knows about Personal projects
analysis, either in relation to my questions or the proposed application.
Bob Green