emotional construal

Barry Pope (shadley@popeb.freeserve.co.uk)
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:38:46 -0000

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In reply to Malcolm Cross Re:

"I am interested in a kind of definintion of 'charged' in the sense=20
it is used above. And wonder how this might be different from=20
thinking about emotions as internal events to be construed"?

Following some thought, I used the term charged propositionally, yet =
still believe that the term be may useful. Malcolm, I wonder if you are =
giving "thought" too much emphasis in terms of PCP? If constructs are =
multi level, eg. preverbal constructs, then cognitiion can be absent. I =
am interested in construal of physiological process and these processes =
as constructs not necessarily evedenced in cognition. Nevertheless, I =
agree that thinking about emotions as internal events is useful and at =
an individual level, leads to construal. However, my idea is that some =
constructs, without verbal or cognitive labels, exist as impulses or =
other "fluffy" (sorry) entities.

Barry Pope=20

Barry Pope =20
Dep't Of Child & Family Psychiatry
Good Hope Hospital
Rectory Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
Tel. 0121 378 2211 Ex2608

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In reply to Malcolm Cross Re:

"I am interested in a = kind of=20 definintion of 'charged' in the sense
it is used  above.  = And=20 wonder how this might be different from
thinking about emotions as = internal=20 events to be construed"?

Following some thought, I used the = term=20 charged propositionally, yet still believe that the term be may  = useful.=20 Malcolm, I wonder if you are giving "thought" too much = emphasis in=20 terms of PCP? If constructs are multi level, eg. preverbal constructs, = then=20 cognitiion can be absent. I am interested in construal of physiological = process=20 and these processes as constructs not necessarily evedenced in = cognition.=20 Nevertheless, I agree  that thinking about emotions as internal = events is=20 useful and at an individual level, leads to construal. However, my idea = is that=20 some constructs, without verbal or cognitive labels, exist as impulses = or other=20 "fluffy" (sorry) entities.
Barry Pope 
Barry Pope 
Dep't Of Child & Family Psychiatry
Good Hope Hospital
Rectory Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
Tel. 0121 378 2211 Ex2608
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