(Fwd) UK : Bisexuality Talks

Chris Evans (chris@psyctc.org)
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 16:03:22 -0000

A polite request and there have been some threads on sexuality of
late and the events sound as if they are ones PCP constructivists
and therapists would fit in so I have forwarded this to the list.
Flames to me not to Laurence if you disagree!


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: L.J.Brewer@city.ac.uk
To: c.evans@sghms.ac.uk
Date sent: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 13:56:49 +0000
Subject: UK : Bisexuality Talks
Priority: normal

Dear List owner

I was wondering if the announcement below may be of interest to list
members, and if so wondcered if you would forward the message to the
PCP list.


Laurence Brewer

Dear List members,

I would like to draw your attention to an
afternoon of informal talks relating to Bisexuality. The talks may be
of interest to Bisexuals, and those interested in sexuality, social
scientists, those interested women's studies, as well as those
interested in psychology.They are semi informal talks, and
discussions, and the event if free.

If you would like further information you may email me at
l.j.brewer@city.ac.uk or alternatively write to

The London Bi Group,
PO Box 3325,
London N1 9EQ

Thanks in advance

Laurence Brewer

Three talks on Bisexuality

12.30pm-5.30pm Monday 5th April 1999

London Friend, 86 Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London.

Beyond Kinsey
The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid

Speaker : Dr Fritz Klein

To understand the concept of an individuals sexual orientation it is
necessary to consider sexual orientation as an ongoing dynamic
process.The Klein Grid takes into consideration the fact that many
people change their orientation over time. Where a person is today is
not necessarily where she or he was in the past -- or, for that
matter, where he or she will be or would like to be in the future. Dr
Fritz Klein will talk about the development of the Klein Grid and its
uses and implication for researchers of sexual identity and

Further information about the work of Fritz Klein may be found at


Women and Bisexuality

Panel Discussion with :

Sue George, author of Women and Bisexuality
Mary Tinsley, London Bisexual Womens Group
Third speaker to be confirmed

Sue George's book Women and Bisexuality published by Scarlet press
1993 is still viewed as the major study of Women and Bisexuality
within the UK. Based upon 142 questionnaire respondents and 7 in depth
interviews, the book highlighted the diverse, personal histories,
identities and lifestyles of respondents. Other sections analyzed the
historical view of bisexuality and its social implications. The
invisibility of bisexuality, and a look at how the feminist movement
of the latter part of the twentieth century has treated this issue.
The aim of this talk is to look at issues raised in the book, and
changes since the first publication of the book.

The UK Bisexual Movement
Past , present and future.

Panel Discussion with :

Merl Storr, University of East London
Grant Denkinson, Editor Bi Community News
John Flahive, Chair, London Bisexual Group

Over the last 20 years, there has been a growth of Bisexual resources
within the UK, including helplines, an annual conference /
Convention, newsletter, electronic resources, local groups as well as
activism to raise awareness of Bisexuality. This talk / discussion
aims at taking a brief overview of the development of the UK Bisexual
movement and attempts to ask what does the future hold for the UK
Bisexual movement.

About the participants

Dr. Fritz Klein is the author of The Bisexual Option and co-editor of
Bisexualities: Theory and Research. Dr Klein is a sex researcher
who has been involved with research in sexual orientation generally
and bisexuality specifically, and is noted for the Klein Sexual
Orientation Grid which takes into consideration the ongoing dynamic
process of sexual orientation. He is the editor of the new Journal
of Bisexuality (whose first issue will appear next year). Dr Klein
lives in San Diego USA and isa psychiatrist in private practice.

Mary Tinsley is actively involved in the London Bisexual Women's
Groups, and is currently joint Membership Secretary. Mary has also
contributed to Bi Community News and has attended the SM Bi's group (
London ).

Merl Storr lectures in Sociology at the University of East London and
has published a number of articles on sexuality and sexual identity.
She is co-editor of The Bisexual Imaginary (London: Cassell 1997) and
the editor of Bisexuality: A Critical Reader ( London: Routledge
1999 ).

Sue Goerge is a researcher and journalist. Her research on bisexual
women in the UK, resulted in her book Women and Bisexuality ( Scarlet
Press 1993 )

John Flahive is actively involved as Chair of the London Bisexual
Group. John was involved in the organisation of the 1997 Bisexual
Conference which was held in Greenwich University.

Grant Denkinson is Editor of Bi Community News, the National Bisexual
newsletter for the UK. He is also involved with SM Bi's ( London )

PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research,
teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle
http://psyctc.org/ Email: chris@psyctc.org
