I have been out of the list for a too long while. Now that I am back,
I read your message and thought that Joe Rychlak's "In defense of
human counsciousness" (Am. Psychol. Ass., 1997) might be of
some help for your need of philosophical grounding of constructivism.
Also the book "Human change processes" (Basic Books, 1991) by
Mike Mahoney has a substantial secion on this subject.
Take this as a quick response. I am sure of other existing works of
which I am not aware right now.
Best luck,
Dr. Guillem Feixas
Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Psicologia
Departament de Personalitat,
Avaluacio i Tractament Psicologics
Passeig Vall d'Hebron, 171
08035 Barcelona
Phone 34-93402 1072/34-93402 1100 ext. 3109
Fax 34-93402 1362/34-93402 1427
Home phone 34-93456 2882
e-mail "gfeixas@psi.ub.es"
Visit our webs at http://www.ub.es/personal/pcp.htm