International PCP congress in Berlin

Joern Scheer (
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 17:13:41 +0100

Dear All,
the preparations for the International Congress to be held in Berlin from July 26 to 31 this
year, are well on their way. A considerable number of people whose contributions you read
on this network will be present. A further stimulus might be the following Web Site:

If some of you are planning to attend the congress but have not registered yet, please be
advised to do so ASAP. The special conditions we have negotiated with regard to
accommodation apply for a limited time only. Also, Berlin is a very attractive place and the
hotel capacity is limited, especially so in summer (to the antipodeans: July IS summer in
We would appreciated if you could register before April 15. All the necessary information
you will find at the following Web Site which contains also a registration form:

If you want to communicate by fax: ++49 641 99 45689.

Hope to meet you in Berlin!
Joern Scheer

Prof. Dr. Joern W. Scheer * Dept. of Medical Psychology
Friedrichstr. 36 * D-35392 Giessen * Germany

Tel: +49 (0) 641-99-45682 - Fax: +49 (0) 641-99-45689

Dept. of Medical Psychology Home Page:
Personal Construct Psychol. Group Home Page:
Internat. Congress on PCP Web Site:
