>My major concerns are analysis, I shall be aiming to conduct grids at three
>time points over 1 year. I am interested in the change in constructs that
>the adolescents may use so I do not want to simply elicit constructs at the
>first time point and ask them to rate the constructs at times 2 and 3. I
>don't understand how I can analyse the grids if I elicit new constructs at
>each time point? - I think the answer is I can't?
Further to Ken's good ideas...another possibility is to carry forward some
of the elements & constructs from admin to admin. After eliciting the new
grid, review the old and find out what is and isn't relevant at the present
time, and perhaps re-rate those aspects that are still relevant. The
advantage of carrying forward part of the grid is that it can provide a
link through which (with some fancy analysis) you can relate the unrelated
aspects of the different grids.
Richard C. Bell
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Melbourne
Parkville Vic 3052 Australia
ph: +61 3 9344 6364
fax: +61 3 9347 6618