Re: Where are Fonts and Phrases allowed? [Was: HTML 2.0 Call for Review ]

Jay Glicksman <jay@eit.COM>
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Subject: Re: Where are Fonts and Phrases allowed? [Was: HTML 2.0 Call for Review ] 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 10 Jun 1994 18:00:31 EDT."
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 15:15:09 -0700
From: Jay Glicksman <jay@eit.COM>
Content-Length: 316
>  <CITE>some quoted text <EM>emphasized text</EM></CITE>

This will be difficult to handle with style sheets (given all the
permutations of style within style [within style...]) but nonetheless
I think it should be legal HTML, and optional for browsers to support
the style change of the nested markup.

    Jay G.