> Yes it is...I've just grabbed a copy of the new browsers to look at.
> Netscape is a bit flaky still, and not as easy to use as NCSA Mosaic,
> but has some nice features. I haven't looked at the tagset it claims
> to support yet, though, so I can't judge that. Does it look as if they
> are pursuing the old path of "any damn thing so long as it looks
> cute"?
Here's a little sample piece:
<Title>Mosaic Communications Corporation: What's New!</title>
<IMG SRC="images/moznew.gif" WIDTH=472 HEIGHT=137> <P>
New information is available every day on the Internet -- how do you find out
about it? One way is to start here. This is a monthly What's New listing
that lists interesting Internet resources that first appeared today, last month.
> ///Peter