Re: DL content model

Bert Bos (
Tue, 15 Nov 94 09:12:17 EST

Peter Flynn wrote:

| If you want to constrain people to pairs, or to associate multiple DTs witha single DD, etc., you need to do
| <!Element DL - - (DT|DD|DefGroup)*>
| <!Element DefGroup - - (DT*, DD*)>
|Surely we can get away without having to define a new element?
| <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT|DD|((DT+,DD+)|(DD*,DD*)))*>
|Hell, that's not quite right, it's 4am and I need some sleep. What I
|mean is the mixed content model mailed yesterday.

I haven't seen (DT+|DD+)* yet, wouldn't that express everything people
asked for: one or more terms with one or more definitions?

In the future, it might be preferrable to have

<!ELEMENT DL - - (DI*) -- Definitions List, glossary, etc. -->
<!ELEMENT DI O O (DT+,DD+) -- Defined Item -->

which would make style sheets easier to write. (Unfortunately,
according to SGML, DI cannot really be "O O" here.)


####[ Bert Bos                     ]####[ Alfa-informatica,           ]####
####[ <>            ]####[ Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ]####
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