That's good info. It would appear that we can stop working on HTML 2.0
when *we* are happy with it, and it will still require some of our editing
effort just to get it through the IETF pipeline.
>For instance, the corrections I submitted for the META description have
>still not made it into the draft.
(I'm happy to say that I knew this. My personal goal for this process is
that it never seems totally out of control.) Yes, that's one of several
outstanding changes that also need to make it into the spec. Time
constraints ate this one too.
>Worse, the text version has line-wrapped
>the text in a way that generated invalid SGML attributes. This is not
>surprising -- just a couple of the bumps in the specification process.
Oops. My fault on this one. Can you give line numbers of the problems?
-- Eric W. Sink, Senior Software Engineer -- I don't speak for Spyglass.You know, a bottle of champagne in space would burst...