Re: <FIG> implies <P>?

Jeremy Hylton (
Thu, 13 Jul 1995 09:03:06 +0500

>>>>> "Dan" == Daniel W Connolly <> writes:

Dan> I just had a discussion with Dave Raggett about this... <FIG>
Dan> is meant to compliment, not replace, <IMG>. There's a lot of
Dan> history behind the current spec. Some of it is technical, but
Dan> some of it is political stuff that I won't go into.

Dan> Suffice it to say that HTML 3.0, like many other markup
Dan> languages, includes two idioms for graphics: the <img> element
Dan> for phrase-level stuff, like little funny characters or inline
Dan> icons (or inline math formulas or ...) and <fig> for "displayed
Dan> formulas" or graphic callouts or ... .

I don't think this really explains why <fig> must break paragraphs. My
notion of "displayed formulas" and other things that are typically
called "figures" is that they may fall within a paragraph.

Is there a good reason why <fig> can't be changed?

Jeremy Hylton
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