Program Links in WWW

"(Arnold Bloemer)" <>
Date: 21 May 92 10:18
From: "(Arnold Bloemer)" <>
Message-id: <RFC-822*C=de;ADMD=dbp;PRMD=uni-hannover;OU=tnt;OU=helios;S=AA06131;G=9205211018>
Subject: Program Links in WWW
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Cc: bloemer

I would like to know, whether anybody has extended WWW such, that it is possible
to start arbitrary programs by hitting a button in a WWW browser.

Hyberbole has this feature and it could also make WWW much more mighty.

Included is a short discussion with Pei Y. Wei on this issue. 

By the way, many thanks to Tim Berners-Lee in general, to Pei Y. Wei for his 
wonderful violaWWW browser and to all people involved in the WWW project.



Dipl.-Ing. Arnold Bloemer	   Universitaet Hannover
				   Institut fuer Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik
				   und Informationsverarbeitung    Appelstrasse 9A
fax:    +49-511-762-5333           D-3000 Hannover 1
phone:  +49-511-762-5320           Germany