(fwd) [alt.etext] Text of "The Devil's Dictionary" on Wiretap

Edward Vielmetti <emv@garnet.msen.com>
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Subject: (fwd) [alt.etext] Text of "The Devil's Dictionary" on Wiretap
Newsgroups: alt.etext
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 93 18:52:10 EDT
From: Edward Vielmetti <emv@garnet.msen.com>
Organization: Msen, Inc. -- Ann Arbor, MI (account info +1 313 998-4562)

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From: dell@wiretap.spies.com (Thomas Dell)
Newsgroups: comp.archives
Subject: [alt.etext] Text of "The Devil's Dictionary" on Wiretap
Fcc: +answers
Followup-To: alt.etext
Date: 16 Apr 1993 18:25:40 GMT
Organization: The Internet Wiretap
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X-Original-Newsgroups: alt.etext
X-Original-Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 23:12:46 GMT

Archive-name: auto/alt.etext/Text-of-The-Devil-s-Dictionary-on-Wiretap

The Internet Wiretap has released a full etext of
"The Devil's Dictionary" by Ambrose Bierce, based on
the 1911 edition. It is available on the Internet
Wiretap ( via Gopher and FTP:

Gopher:     Internet Wiretap
              Electronic Books at Wiretap
                Ambrose Bierce: The Devil's Dictionary

AnonFTP:    ftp wiretap.spies.com
              cd Library/Classic
                get devils.txt

The Devil's Dictionary is about 378K in length,
and is released into the public domain unencumbered.


dell@wiretap.spies.com / Thomas E Dell