Where is the WWW client for Macintosh these days?

Message-id: <9304121918.AA01852@lam.dccs.upenn.edu>
To: www-talk@nxoc01.cern.ch
Subject: Where is the WWW client for Macintosh these days?
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 93 15:18:50 -0400
From: murphy@dccs.upenn.edu
X-Mts: smtp

I haven't noticed any announcements about it lately...

Did it ever make it past Alpha?  What host can I fetch it from?


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To: murphy@dccs.upenn.edu
From: smith@pobox.upenn.edu (Judy Smith)
Subject: Re: Faster access to the WWW Internet Services  from the U.S.A.

Yes, I'd like to try it. But, alas, no client.  I went looking to find out
if the MacWWW beta client had progressed to another version (the old
one doesn't allow you to point anywhere other than CERN) but not only could
I NOT find anything new, the old version of the software seems to have
disappeared as well.  Have you heard anything on the WWW discussion groups
about the demise of this project?


- ---
Judy Smith                       ISC Communications Group, Penn 
smith@pobox.upenn.edu                            (215) 898-0007

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