Re: mosaic as a better wais client; mark up the "catalog"

timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 93 08:41:02 MET DST
From: timbl (Tim Berners-Lee)
Message-id: <9306180641.AA23234@ >
Subject: Re: mosaic as a better wais client; mark up the "catalog"
Cc: h

This is a case for an HTTP server which sits on top of the WAIS
database and gives an enhanced hypertext view of it.  I think
Jim Fulton was wondering about this.  A simple example is that,
instead of returning a search result with an item
whose name is "Search failed, here is the catlogue", which
looks strange preceded by "The search produced one result:",
it could give a nice informative hypertext message, and
(ifg it is small) include the catalogue immediately.

Anothre example if that the server could have a home page
with links to any help about it, instead of having to
serach for "help" which sometimes gives lots of othre things
