NCSA httpd 1.0a2 released (Rob McCool)
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From: (Rob McCool)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 04:43:24 -0500
X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (7.2.5 10/14/92)
Subject: NCSA httpd 1.0a2 released

NCSA httpd 1.0a2 has been released and can be found on
  under /Web/ncsa_httpd/httpd-1.0a2. 

All documentation is online, and can be found at

<A HREF="">That's here.</A>

Version 1.0a2 is a release with bug fixes, and new features. If you're using
  httpd 1.0a1, I would strongly recommend you upgrade, to save yourself some
  hassle later on. 

New in version 1.0a2: 

 o Introduced support for HTTP/1.0 3xx redirection from server scripts
 o Introduced per-directory access by host and options control
 o Added flags for BSD 4.2 compatibility (no killpg and no setsid)
 o Enhanced documentation (more examples)
 o Introduced support for server restart through SIGHUP
 o Fixed bug which caused system not to return port when httpd is done
 o Fixed bug which caused server to go into infinite spin with GET /htbin
 o Bug in directory indexing repaired (thanks to
 o Added timeout while sending data to client so as to alleviate
   zombie servers laying around when the client drops.

--Rob, Marc, and Eric (

Rob McCool, 
Software Development Group, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
It was working ten minutes ago, I swear...